Beta access issues

So iv got a drop down option of “Beta: world of warcraft classic” but the play button is greyed out. I was in the first stress test and the stress test isnt listed anywhere so im pretty sure its not related. This specifically says “Beta” and iv tried updating and nothing changes and still not able to launch anything. Iv talked to a few others that have the same issue. Looking for more information to this issue.

It’s there so that you can easily uninstall the original stress test version is my understanding. Nothing more :wink: Being a part of the stress test did not get you into the beta.


@perl up i figured getting into one wasnt a guarantee to get into another, just hopeful. I heard that they were giving beta keys to vanilla players as a higher priority. any validity to this?

Player spread rumors, I wouldn’t any value to them


None other than pure speculation. The beta is a closed beta, so only a few were selected for it. There were also some influencers that were provided access beyond the normal beta invite, but those were also limited.