~.:Bestest Guesstification:.~

{[:’ for the remaining races to have ']}

{Druid} :cat2:
{Pally} :apple:
{Shammy} :wolf:

  • 1 year?
  • 2 year?
  • 6pineapple year?

What’s your time measurey?
:thinking: :books:

It would be nice to get them all at once. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

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I think pally will probably come before druid, I don’t know about shaman. Paladin seems like less work and a lot of species can already be paladins.


If not all at once, my guess would be shaman, then pally, then druid.

Id hope all at the same time tho. Thatd be cool.

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Kinda feel like druid for all races could draw in more players?
:bubbles: :thinking:

Agreed. Paladins only require them to design 1 mount per race so they’ll be first since they’ll most likely just use basic changes/recolors

Shamans will be second because they only require race specific totems

And druids will be last, because that’ll be a lot of work


So how long do y’all figure it may be for everythin’ to open up?

:rainbow: :sunflower: :rabbit2:
:heartpulse: :dracthyr_comfy_sip:
excited gnomes must know!

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To be honest? Impossible to know. Warlock came out when warlock was getting cosmetic dumps + upcoming red draenei customization. Blizzard could just have encrypted any new class assets, and we would be none the wiser about it. They have said they want to release them “when it makes sense”, but that has come down to unique quests that have very little to do with what’s going on.

They could release shaman tomorrow because of the elemental forces at play in DF. They could release druid because of the Emerald Dream patch. They could release paladin because they wrote a short questline about it.

No rhyme or reason.

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I like this, tomorrow is a good year. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :sparkler:

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Druids will be last since they need all the new forms.

I hope they do pallies and shammies at the same time as a throwback to BC.

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Can’t wait for all races for druids and then players start complaining they don’t like their shapeshifter forms.


I think Paladin is next with all the Tyr’s Hand/Resurrection of Tyr coming in 10.1.7, so Pallies will probably be 10.2.

Shaman I expect in 10.2.5/10.3.5, as the Primalists re-integrate into society after the Incarnates are defeated.

Druid I expect in 10.2.7/10.3.7, either after we’ve solved the crisis in the Emerald Dream, or prepping us for an Emerald Dream expansion. Most likely they’ll be the pre-purchase bonus.

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When did they stop?
~Also, i got my tree form & cheetah kitty so i’m good.
:heartpulse: :dracthyr_comfy_sip: :sparkler:

what year is those? o:

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I think it’ll be Shaman first because totems will be easier to design. Then Pally because that’s just their mount. Druid will be last because of all the forms needing to be developed.

My time guess is it’ll be next expac. And then probably into one or two after that.

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This is reasonable…

I don’t like it.

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Shaman hopefully soon !!! please please

i am already picturing meself what transmog to use on me human shaman !

if totems are holding this up, please know that i will take ANYTHING at this point even a branch or an old baseball bat

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/Human shammy casts: [7 of clubs]
it was super effective.


Waitin on gnome pallies & lookin forward to some cool druid forms for other races. Hopfully we wont be waiting too long.

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I think we’ll get shaman and/or paladins by the end of the xpac. They’re not as simple to do as warlocks and rogues but I wouldn’t think making a new totem or throwing some Light armor at an already existing mount skeleton would be too bad.

I don’t think we’ll see druids until the next xpac. Same for DHs.

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I highly doubt they’ll be all at once. These are the classes that require the most work due to unique racial art assets. Shaman have their totems, Paladins have their mounts, and Druids need by far the most work because of their Shapeshift forms.

If I were to guess, I’d say Paladin or Shaman (not both) will be pretty soon, then there will be a couple classes between those two before the other releases, and then Druid will be dead last to be released. At least, that’s how I would do it if I were managing this project. Release a couple easy classes while working on the art assets for Paladin or Shaman, release a couple more while working on the art assets of the other one, and then gradually release all the rest to buy as much time needed as possible while working on all the art assets needed for Druid.

That being said this is Blizzard and Blizzard is not good at managing their time, as had been clearly seen over snd over again… so they’ll probably release all the easy classes first then we might see Paladin, Shaman and Druid sometime in the next 20 years alongside whatever is left of heritage armor.

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