~.:Bestest Guesstification:.~

Nooooo ! I can’t… That’s too much, I dun wana…

-curls up in a ball of hopelessness-

I can’t wait for Goblin and maybe Gnome druids to just simply be the goblin mimicing Druid shapeshifting and spells with transforming mechs and gadgets, and then everyone complains because it means Tinker is “done”

My guess is Pally → Shaman → Druid

As far as timing, maybe Pally this xpac, Shaman in prepatch and Druid next xpac sometime.

I think Shaman next, then Paladin, and probably Druid at the prepatch right before the next expac.

Since almost everyone is expecting Druid to be last, and with good reason - I will toss this wild ball :

Maybe Shaman and Druids will come before Paladins, and Paladins will be tied to the lead up of a Light themed expac, released in the prepatch.

I really want my BE druid, but I am thinking…


Paladin would be easier and a lot of races already have them.

Druid will take a lot of work with all the formes, but it seems more like a matter of resizing and reskinning.

I think less races have Shamans so they’d probably go last.

I feel like druid is going to be sooner than people expect, logically yes the guesses that it would be last would make the most sense since they take the most work to do. However as all signs are that 10.2 is going to be about the emerald dream (various datamined texts, dream surges occurring in the PTR, etc…), it makes me feel like they may surprise us and spring them sooner since a patch or patches around the emerald dream would make a perfect time to bring druids for all, that or the next major patch afterwards.