Best way to buy raid clears with funnels?

Just wondering if people have access to better methods.

Think I’ll budget 2-3 million for this character then probably never play it again. (Not the one I’m posting on.)


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why would you dump 2-3 million on raid funnels for a character you aren’t going to play?


eh, these moments of “I want to play X class” tend to flare up then fade. Seems like a good idea (today.)

WHY? Seriously, why spend anything on any character and than never play them again?

Just find a guild, RNG is garbage and some groups selling runs are garbage.

I’ve seen carry groups both fail hard and not refund the money (they can do this since there is nothing against the TOS and they can make up their rules citing some BS about no guarantees), and I’ve seen carry groups purposely not loot gear because there was something in that kill that they wanted to keep for their own group (they can also do this because you have zero knowledge on who is looting what).

Honestly it’s not worth paying anything for any character for any gear, just play the damn game.

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Not sure if this fixation is temporary or sustained. I spent I think spent 3m on a paladin last tier played it for a week then got bored of it.

well, it’s your gold and your choice. I’d suggest reaching out to well-known/established raiding guilds on your server. the big ones (progression-wise) probably do carries.

I got enough for ahead of the curve heroic jailer for the title and mount, just hope I can find someone doing it for gold.

Boosties and Boosters are a stain on this game. You’re a boostie, OP. In case you didn’t get the hint.


I’ve done both thank you very much.


wiggles toes

Buy all the tokens. Start threads in the forums bragging about it.

I haven’t spent real money on this game since they made wow tokens available.

They’re starting to work their way into the forums now :man_facepalming:. /sigh


Yeah I call BS on that you sound like a tumor that taken a big role into ruining retail.

Don’t be vague if you quote on me.

Yeah I call BS on that you sound like a tumor that taken a big role into ruining retail.

Gold is rather easy to come by.

Yeah heard that one before. Nice try again.

Between playing the AH and selling boosts, why spend real money on gold?

You don’t play the AH, don’t lie. You probably park and have TSM premium and resale or run a second account just for that and spend on those fancy add-ons. It’s still swiping. Stop digging yourself a hole, noob.

Ashamed to admit that I never figured out how to configure TSM. Downloaded I think three times though then never really used.