Best way to buy raid clears with funnels?

I think your best bet is asking a guild on your server for the service.

That looks like one of those informercial fails.

Ofc you get bored, since you didn’t get to see your paladin grow in power steadily.
You just got to a “maximum power” and then you knew it couldn’t go up from there.

So that’s why you got bored…

Boosted baboons are lame.

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Caz there stupid and dont know how to smartly use there cash

You can’t do much with gold unless if you engage in RMT…

You can do lots with gold. Hell, get the expensive mounts (spider, ah mount from the black market), tramsmogs, pets, etc. Or just give it to the poor

Seems like cash burns a hole in your pocket or/and your just posting to cost about having cash and/or baiting

I don’t care about mounts (unless if obtained from raid through progress) or pets or the ah mount or stuff on the BMAH. The most transmogs I’ve done are a helm a few times, maybe a cape and a weapon.

And we don’t care about you boosting. Use your money for non noob things. Or just cash out

Just get good and dont be a stain on the wall. It’s people like you that boost that then go into “real games” and screw the team. I had a dugg go to crap caz 2 dps were boosted and the healer was out dpsing them both

That’s dight, the healer

then you should advance beyond practice difficulty.

Then you should get your head out of your butt