Best warrior race - alliance

I want to race change from Worgen. Can’t get into the t-mogs or animations… with a helm I look like Shrek.

Any suggestions of which allied race looks good in t-mogs and has good animations?

this is heresy


Vulpera and tauren LOOK FANTASTIC.

Dark Iron Dwarf.

Level one up for the heritage armor.


If you cannot decide and expecting most of the transmogs to look good (including helmets) - I’d say human.


lets be honest here, fem panda has the best, most unique melee combat animations.


Worg front flip is badass though to be fair

Orc is the only acceptable answer to your question.

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If you must play an “Alliance warrior,” then Dark Iron Dwarf is the answer.


If you must play an “Alliance warrior,” then Dark Iron Dwarf ORC! is the answer.

There I fixed it for you, you’re welcome


Look no further than Kul Tiran. You’ll stand head and shoulders above your compatriots. A hulking beast. Upon sight, everyone will immediately know that you’re “da Boss”.

And when they ask, “hey, bossman, what’s the strat?” To which you’ll reply, “the only strat is I go first!”. You’ll then immediately charge into battle “smashin” and “bashin”, and looking great while doing so. Your movements powerful and aggressive. And with your large frame, every intricate detail of your amazing armor can be seen.


100% would play Kul Tiran if there was a “no pot belly” option


If you don’t like Worgen (Don’t use a helm! They look good in some Warrior sets without the helm), then I suggest Human male.

We look great in near everything, every other race has a few cool transmogs, but just about every single set in the game looks great on Humans.

I tried Kul Tiran on this character when they came out, and it’s just not worth it. They look good in so few sets, unless you want to have 1-2 good looking transmog options forever it’s not worth it.



Also fixed

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Funny. I met some funny orcs once during the fourth war in Stormsong Valley. I shield bashed their brains out. A good time was had by all. Well, except for maybe those orcs.

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Silly big belly. You keep needing us green skins to fix things for you. ME NOT THAT KIND OF ORC.


only thing going to need fixing is your spine after i snap you in half >:(

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Play what you want to play.

I went night elf because I like night elves. Night elf lore was what got me into the warcraft story (until early BfA ruined the lore for me).

I like how night elves can do barrel rolls while jumping - sometimes I will see how many barrel rolls I can do in a row.

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Human looks the best in plate armor also the best PvP race.

Orc looks good and you have some agency with how it looks whether it be hunched or upright. Best pvp race for horde.

Good alternatives. Any dwarf, night elves, Tauren, and blood elf.

Can confirm. Kul Tiran all the way for big beefy warrior fantasy…. Well, not as “beefy” as tauren though, but they are Horde anyway.

Plus punching peopl in the face is the most warrior thing you can do.

Stormbolt to set up a Haymaker and knocking those Hordies off the edge in EotS or AB is one of the funniest and most satisfying things in pvp. You can even knock the EFC off the far left side of the map in TP if you get the chance.

Fair enough but if you ever look at a strongman competition competitor or power lifter they look more like a Kul Tiran than a Schwarzenegger type of physique. They call it a “power gut” which is from lifting monster truck tires or giant ship anchors in the Kul Tiran’s case, or whatever they do, not a “pot belly“ from drinking Mountain Dew and eating Doritos all day, if that helps you get into it