I just got and used Bottomless Stygana Mushroom Brew and am pissing myself laughing at the effect.
What toy have you most enjoyed?
I just got and used Bottomless Stygana Mushroom Brew and am pissing myself laughing at the effect.
What toy have you most enjoyed?
The map that teaches you all the flight points you need
I also enjoy the cursed feather that turns you into a big ol Skesis – err Arakoa… they got a cool little dance.
Though i do tend to run around screaming “AAAH HIDEOUS GELFLING!!” when a gnome walks by
Podling camoflague. Go use it. /dance. Enjoy your disturbingly toned back and buttocks.
Coin of Many Faces.
wish it wasnt a 24hr cd
My favorite toy ever is black ice ring.
Currently - Narcissa’s Mirror with Rook. It turns you into a tiny version of him that can mount up so you can fly around lol.
ethereal transmorpher.
Yes it’s a shop toy, but who doesn’t enjoy your entire raid turning into kaelthas and giving a long speech while the raid leader is trying to explain the fight?
Murloc wand.
the MOLL-Eis a helpfull one. i just throw it down when im at a ah or whenever i get mail and im not close to a mailbox
i also like the dark ranger’s spare cowl and deaths door charm. podling camouflage is also a fun one. useing stylish black parasol was als oa good one before flight in sl. was so wasy to get around, mostly in revendreth
The one from mop that puts you in a shell I forgot the name I’m sad to lazy to look it up. No moroes fans disappointing.
Experimental Anima Power
Enchanted Soup Stone
Heartbreaker, rainbow generator, and all the corpse castable items.
Runners up/honorable mentions:
Lillian’s warning sign
BFF necklace
Train wrecker
Not really a toy but it’s the meteor item from the Timeless isle where it turns you into a meteor and launches you really really far. If you couple it with a slowfall you could go from Timeless Isle to Townlong Steppes.
Have you ever tried slowfall/gliding off of Mt. Hyjal?
revendreth stone totem the one that makes yells every time someone passes it, i drop it in populated areas so it breaks up chat >:D
silver plated turkey shooter because who doesnt love turkeys good for screwing with trolls multiboxers and anyone else being generally unpleasant, same with the blight bomb and aquir bugs/bees
also the skymirror toy allowing you to copy ones appearance to look like another is pretty nice too when someone has a cool mog or copied an npc through means like rogues pickpocket via glyph
Awww… Silverleigh this is definitely not the thread I thought it was!
Ok ok best WoW toy… Sylvanas’ Music Box
Here is the music it plays: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-G9_jsNoII
Because of this thread about 15 minutes ago I dropped this, not knowing what it did. I just thought “oh look another thing I got but never used, what does it do?” I did this in front of the SoD and unintentionally made a mess of chat.
I love the gnomish gravity well, is just fun and great combo with disengage and/or gliders
I dont have it yet, but the thanos gauntlet that snaps critters to death!