Best Toys!

The real fun begins when you learn to stack toy effects. I do a pumpkin army stacking the head, the pet, and the pumpkin sword that summons pumpkins.

Or the pink bubble gorilla then use the transmorphic beacon and be a bubble boss, not mention stacking a kite pet and making it look like and ogre with a pet biscuit.


Not sure if it’s considered a toy ( Haunted Memento)
Night Fae Hearth Stone
Turnip Punching Bag
Angler’s Fishing Raft
Jewel of Hellfire
Leyara’s Locket
Coin of Many Faces
Pan Flute of Pandaria
For the Blood God


Thread started by someone from the Activision-Blizzard Public Relations & Marketing department

I like that knife that you poke people with that turns them into a witch. You can use it as either side, on either side, once you get it (though you have to be alli to get it initially). I love to use it on the opposite faction and then cackle when it activates first attempt. Both in game and IRL lol


God I have so many, I can’t pick a favorite. I guess it depends on the setting…

When I’m just hanging out in Goldshire at night, I love my Cozy bonfire and Iridescent Pufferfish toy, since everyone can enjoy them


Yup this! I love dropping it in BG on a node and have it scream at people every time they come near :rofl:

I also like the black parasol… simply because I can yeet myself off stuff in style lol

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Have yet to see this, but now cannot get the image from my mind, and I already hate those little things.

Narcissa’s mirror + BOP Bear form + Dragon Kite + Vrykul Drinking Horn

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Well, before they nerfed it, the Piccolo of Flaming Fire.

The ones on my favorites page are the lounge cushions, romantic picnic basket, Coin of Many Faces, and of course, Moroes’ Famous Polish!


Flippable Table
Malfunctioning Goliath Gauntlet
Champion’s Salute
Bonded Val’kyr Diadem
Pandaren Firework Launcher

Love the experimental anima toy. It’s a shame you can’t move with impressive size but it makes for some nice epic boss kill images when combined with the champion’s toy that cast light on you and has you pose with your weapon held high.

Just wish it wasn’t an hour cooldown for a 5 min effect.

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I can’t help it, shooting off that critter gun when Stormwind is crowded for some event.

Rabbits and squirrels on the AH steps running around or around the fountain and mail boxes./ grin

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Coin of Many Faces is on of my faves. I kept cracking up during Korrak’s Revenge (Special AV battle) because my Alliance character looked like Horde and I kept making my friend jump thinking he was about to get attacked.

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The bubble wand.

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Foul Belly and Lucille’s Sewing Needle, for all those shifty Elfs afk everywhere.

Otherwise Darkmoon Seesaw, Worn Cloak and Toy Armor Set for undercover Horde boss cosplay.

Edi: Stylish Black Parasol with Ratstallion. Fae Harp and Flute playing from Steward companion.

-Warchief Asa


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Definitely and without question the Whole-Body Shrinka’

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the shell that turns you naked.
sylvanas music box.

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The Hozen Idol toy is amusing.

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Flag of Ownership!

For the Alliance!

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