Best tank help

Hey guys, I was making this post because I recently made a post about wanting to get into tanking But I’m kind of unsure what kind of tank would be Worth learning and isn’t that complicated to learn? I kinda of wanted something that’s not too hard with the rotation and that can be very tanky and to possibly run high keys and heroic to mythic raiding once I improve in the tanking role one day in the future.


Start with guardian druid, it’s only like 4-5 buttons. just spam Swipe and Iron Fur


Personal opinion:

Paladin - easiest to learn on
Druid - most flavor
Blood DK - great mogs

I may be biased, but I don’t think Paladin tank is too bad. Two holy power generators (how I miss gaining HP on Avenger’s Shield) feed Shield of the Righteous, Avenger’s shield for pulling groups. Some CDs for damage, mitigation, and damage-and-mitigation.

The hardest part for me is remembering the consecration lasts like 10 more seconds after the button comes off CD.

Still miss WotLK’s PalaTanking. Holy Shield was a good time. You can talent Shield of the Righteous to function similarly, but it’s just not the same, y’know? =-\ Also miss SBV (Shield Block Value) on gear… By mid-ToC, I was full-blocking pretty much any and all physical attacks in heroics. XD

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I can never get into druid tanking, i find its gameplay loop the most unrewarding out of all the tank options unfortunately

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There was a time when it was the coolest tank for me. Then Blizz added a 4th spec and F’d it all up.


Each tank works differently.

If you want beginner friendly tank that meets your requirements, i would suggest:

Prot Warrior - Easy rotation, active mitigation, god against physical damage.
Bear - Easy rotation, good against both physical and magical with decent self sustain and migitation.
DK - An absolute truck, easy rotation, good against all damage. Good self sustain.’

brews dont exist, so we dont tank abt them.
what brew?

Prot pally, guardian druid or Warr is great for tanking

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Oh you mean back when guardian and feral were 1 spec?

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Yep. Bear-Cat all in one.

“Bear” and “Cat”. It was just called “Feral” there was no “guardian”.

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Yep, and you could tank as a bear, and then flip to cat to help beat the enrage timer, and then hot swap back (at the cost of rage and mana). So much fun!

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You really think Prot Paladin is harder than Warrior? Really? O.o

Blood is fun. Guardian is a lot of fun too if you play it in a way that doesn’t slow everything down. I e swapping to cat mode to clear distances faster between pulls.
Brewmaster used to be an absolute blast to play but I haven’t played it in a little while so I don’t know what they’ve done to it

I don’t like warrior anymore at all. And demon Hunter is one of the most annoying tank specs. You get too tempted to rush and annoy players have to death trying to keep up with you. And I don’t like the way it plays either

paladins are just plain boring.

But to be honest, there is a deeper reasoning behind my hatred for the class, has to do with how OP they were back in WOTLK, which made me perma hate them.

Not quite, Druid is by far the easiest to learn on since your main rotation is just AOE, you can literally spam 2 buttons to keep aggro and spam IF to keep your main defenses up. And with such a simple rotation it allows players to look around and watch all the other tank things without having to worry about when a spell is off CD, or when to use a particular spell.

With paladins you need to have an actual rotation with spells that have CD’s and if you mess up you lose some defenses, or if you do it in the wrong order like opening with Judgement and not Avengers you will be weaker or have aggro issues which I have seen recently.

Druids just charge in spamming AOE for the most part.

Yeh but for a new tank having such a simple rotation means they can learn all the other stuff that comes with tanking which is why most people suggest druid for new tanks.

There isn’t a tank that is complicated to learn. It is without a doubt the easiest role because it has to be the easiest role. If I was to venture any recommendation it would just be to avoid Brewmaster.

Brewmaster is the spec for people that want to tank but also want to whine about tanking. Don’t be that person.

Brewmaster. You just press random buttons until you need to Purify your Stagger.

Whatever you see posted about it on here is pure meme and troll.

Prot Warrior hands down. Really only have to worry about Shield Block and Ignore Pain while learning. And every ability you press generates more Rage that you’ll ever use

I happen to agree but I just don’t want to doom the OP into being a meme BrM troll. Seems that they only go that direction so I would advise playing even a human male paladin over a BrM of any race.