Best Shaman spec for Torghast?

Whats the best and or easiest spec for Torghast?

Any starter suggestions or general tips as a shaman?

I’m blasting through it as Enhance with no trouble. The powers you get really make your healing and damage quite ridiculous.


I haven’t tried it as Ele yet but I’ll say I personally felt Enh is much more enjoyable and sustainable than Ele is. While I was leveling up, every time I tried Ele (even when my ilvl was higher as ele) enh just felt much better.

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I’ve cleared all 6 layers as enhance. Get the powers that buff your generally used spells. Frost shock has a chance to do 20% of a mob’s health. Flame shock deals its DoT 20% faster. Dropping a totem gives lust every 30s. Hex does damage that doesn’t break it. Extra haste when lusting. Extra damage to stormstrike when you get stormbringer. I spend my phantasm on extra anima powers and/or the one that turns non-elites into anima cells. Once you get to the final floor, spend all your phantasm on anima cells and the flat stats, and if you still have some left, the pot that makes you do extra damage as long as you’re in combat, pop all your CDs and go to town. Don’t be afraid to CC and do small pulls on the other floors. Explore every corner. Some dead ends have anima cells.

If you’re going to run Upper Reach 3, it’s going to take a looooooooooong time with the Tower Sentinel haste debuff. Take that layer very slow and go for whatever gives/buffs lust. You will need it if you’re undergeared.


I did 3layers for upper reaches and soulforges and loved it. Solo nonetheless. Just play mindfully, hex targets, etc. I like ice fury build hits well, crits are big. 22k dmg (if all 4 crit) from frost shocks are nice.

Earth ele is your savior. Primal elementalist is good too, but I didnt take that. Play around with it and see what u like.

Devil said it well. 10/10

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Generally speaking, would you suggest enhance for shadow lands generally?

I’m enjoying it a lot. It feels baaaaaaaad until you get some haste back, but once you do the flow of the spec is really nice. I also suggest venthyr for insta chain harvest, but go with what you like.

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I’m going through as elemental and it’s going well, I find the bosses to be a bit rough, but the trash is a joke.

i completed it as an ele shaman with only the final boss and the traps giving me some hard time

You are somewhat bound to getting solid conduits/souls, but enh absolutely smashes in Torghast. My favourites:

  • If you get a chance to get the buff that gives you 15 sec of lust when you drop a totem, that is huge
  • Blackened Boulder grants a 25% dmg buff to anything u daze or stun - I always run with Sundering and aim for this - between it and cap totem you can debuff everything almost
  • I run 2-1-1-1-1-3-1 preferring heavy ST dmg vs more passive AOE and casting. I also skip ascendence because Dogs are a great ranged attack and there are a few anima buffs that just give you ascendance anyways (see Furious Spirits and how it interacts with the anime that gives you lust on totem drops)
  • If you haven’t yet, finish covenents and go Venthyr. Chain harvest is like 20-30% of my dmg and healing
  • Heal above all else - I never let myself go below 50% simply because you can get caught off guard
  • There is another anime that buffs healing stream totem - I have had it 3-4 stack and do 5k ticks
  • Make sure you spend all your available points with the vendor - start with buying orbs, then the elite-to-orb, then aim for a few key anima
  • Earth Ele makes the bosses trivial, as does Purging their shield
  • Purge Purge Purge. A bunch of the mobs in there have buffs you can just take off and make much easier.

My record right now is just over 25k dps on an AOE bonanza with some lucky anima. The final boss between earth ele and stacking healing stream totem (and ascendance on heroism buff) was about 6k dps and never touched me.

I couldn’t imagine doing it as ranged though; just seems brutal

I don’t think it’s “bad” by any means, maybe it’s just a preference thing but with Enhance it feels like there’s a lot more engaging things that make my gameplay feel impactful, where to me, Ele just feels a little bland and simple.

I struggled with ~ilvl 145ish as an ellie with the eyeball boss on layer 2. He blasted my earth ellie quick.

I switched over to Resto and it felt like a cheat code, cleared both Layer 3s by basically rolling my face over the keyboard


It’s enhance hands down…hailstorm and spammable windfury break the class with the anima powers we get.

Take frost shock reduces enemy dmg by 25% and hailstorm it up.

Take totems drop an additional random totem and spam windfury in fights for earthen wall and healing tide. Even more fun if you also have extra 5 % dmg per totem out.

Enhance cakewalks and easily best of the 3.


I find torghast a breeze on level 3 as an elemental shaman.


Enhance with any boons that buff your totems is good.



I have only done a few levels as ele (just the intro), but it felt way easier on my frost DK for the same thing.

I think I will try enhance next time lol

If you are undergeared or want easy clear. Resto is the way. My buddy and I have ele sham alts and we both went Resto. Was super fast 2 shotting most elites. Lack of air bitbl annoying but wasnt to bad.

Seriously check it out.


Mostly the reason I perfer ele to enh is my personal limits, I know i’m not mentally fast enough to keep up with a melee dps not dieing.