Best Shaman spec for Torghast?

I just go elemental. After I got layer 3, I just started all wings in that layer. I’ve died twice so far. And those deaths were in turbosucky mortgremar when I had terrible anima luck.


Noob question but what is it when people mean when they say layer … I know there are 6 floors to every instance . So what is a layer ?

Difficulty layer

6 floors but you keep adding layers. The more layers the more difficulty the higher the reward. Right now it maxes at 3.

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I died twice being my typical dungeon crawler leave no stone unturned self. There was an anima power in a collection of pots under the ledge after the suspension areas you have to grapple to.

First death was the new you cant use in GW slow fall pot.

Second was same spot glider says I had 3 stacks turns out it was bugged and I had zero.

Talk about failed 6 Ps.

With ele, if you can’t burst something down within the uptime of your earth elemental, you’re probably screwed. Survivability is pitiful, and you OOM very quickly under any pressure to self-heal. I’m also not seeing anything near what I’m hearing from other classes as far as the benefit they’re getting from the buffs (such as mages doing 7-digit damage from a single cast). I’m about ready to give up on the shaman because it’s so weak.


I rarely ever get close to dying as elemental unless I’m cocky and pull an entire open room and miss a kick or something, and with the amount of support here for enh I’d say both are just fine.


Getting primal earth ele down to a 1 min cd for ele is a cheat code.


If you’re dying often, try choosing anima powers that boost your totems, since you’re always (or should always) going to be dropping totems. Eventually, with enough powers, you’ll have some pretty sick combos, like the ability to have hero/lust cast automatically on yourself every 30 seconds, or your damage automatically increased by up to 25%, or your healing stream totem so powerful that it heals you for 10% per tick.

That’s what’s been working for me, anyway. I’m sure others have been having success with other strategies, as well, so try different combos and see what works for yourself.

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I love getting permanent EQ on Earth ele and getting that cd down…plus boosting healing stream, and random totem anima…feel pretty strong as ele…not quite as easy as my BM alt but still…more fun

This one feels soooooooooo good

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Now combine that one with the one that gives you Ascendance whenever you lust <3


I’ve been lucky to get that a couple of times and oooooh baby.

The lightning bolt damage one is quite nice as well. We get some very fun powers in there!

I will second this. I have had no real trouble as enhancement. A few close calls but nothing that I would say is not defeatable.

I’ve only done it as enhance as I’m not a fan of ele but it feels really good. I’ve died twice thus far and one was from me being dumb with a trap and the other was me being cocky and pulling a whole room. Enhance can get pretty wacky with some of the anima powers even the nonclass specific ones. I got the one where you damage and silence on first hit every target and I was essentially one shotting whole packs with lightning crash it was hilarious

Yeah I’ve done layer 3 as all three specs with shaman and monk, and I found resto and mistweaver to be by far the easiest. The way they’ve scaled healers it seems like they just mow stuff down without even taking into account the healing.


with which spells?

The answer is resto surprising. You have a ton of healing and utility to survive. Just get the double totem and any damage buffs and ur golden

Much easier as Resto. Was Ok as Enhancement up until Layer 3. Switched to Resto and have been coasting since. It seems you don’t get hit as hard, but your damage output is simultaneously good because of the way Torghast scales for healers. Plus being able to kite is critical as Enh just can’t sustain damage in more difficult layers. I wish I knew this earlier…

People having trouble as Enhance at higher levels are just bad at Enhance or picking bad anima powers/getting bad rng.

Enhance is by far and away the easiest in any of them.

Your sustain is incredible along with your aoe dmg to nuke packs

  • if you get Extra Bonus totem — just spam windfury until you get an earthen wall or healing tide (or both) and laugh.

Extra 25% dmg permanent buff from cap totem is great too

As well as any of the frost shock abilities that proc off frost shock (25% reduced dmg + healing spring reduced dmg = 50% reduced dmg near constantly).

Enhance gets absolutely ridiculous, with its only downtime being waiting for earth elemental ( which every spec should be doing for some of the bosses).

If you get any haste scaling anima powers (haste stacks with melee attacks up to 10) forget it…I’ve literally mowed down entire rooms (Level 4) with Earth Ele up and my AoE rotation.

I did it at 195 on resto… if you get the lava lash, flame shock at least X2, healing totem X2 or 3 you’re pretty much set… then just focus on crit and HP and whatever else… it’s pretty easy. And also, if you get earth elemental cd x2 and permanent earthquake you pretty much have a tank the whole way through. But once you get the flame shock and lava lash you basically just apply flame shock and spam lava lash. it will proc constantly. I’ve only had issues when I didn’t get good anima powers…

and you can get the chain lightning for good measure. and ghost wolf X2 or 3 and you’ll zoom through…

for the boss that casts that green hand… try to get wind shear CD’s and you can interrupt every cast.