Best Place To Buy Collector's Edition?

Where to buy it so you could have it before the launch date? Which of them has less chance of failing to deliver the item on time?

Gamestop, Walmart, Best Buy, Target or Amazon

I should be playing on launch date at midnight.

What about on the WoW Website?


They’re all going to ship early starting October 13th. Just go with whatever.

If you need a reliable place? The Official Blizzard Gear Store is probably a safe bet.

isnt it sold out everywhere?

This makes it super easy. Click shop, push button, get xpack.

There’s even an in game button.

Blizzard Gear Store? Do they sell it? All I found in there are mostly apparels, collectibles and toys.

If you put in “Collector’s Edition” on its Search function, it wont show it.

Blizzard’s Pre-purchase button on WoW website only sells Base, Heroic and Epic Editions. They are not Collector’s Edition.

Take a look here. There was a section called - Upgrading From Base Edition, Heroic Edition, or Epic Edition to Collector’s Edition

It says: The Shadowlands Collector’s Edition costs $119.99 and is available to pre-order now at select retailers starting this week. Check with your local retailer for details.

Heroic and Epic Editions are not Collector’s Edition. WoW website only sells Base, Heroic and Epic Editions. WoW website doesnt sell Collector’s Edition. Need to purchase Collector’s Edition on Select Retailers.

Just buy it from whichever retailer.

I thought they weren’t doing a box set for shadowlands.

Took me 5 seconds to find it. It’s almost sold out so you may want to decide quick.

Edit: nvm didn’t read fully.

Ouch. Out of Stock. Already?

I ordered mine off Amazon and they have yet to fail to give me a game at launch. But as of today, they still have the old “By 12/31/21” that was listed before launch date was set, so I am honestly a bit nervous.

It’s been available for months now. It’ll go back in stock soon most likely.

You still may want to check out other retailers though if you can. All of them are pretty reliable.

Id love to be wrong but as weird as it sounds you cannot order the physical collector’s edition from blizzard directly.

This is the first time in almost 10 years i ordered any collectors edition. But on a whim i ordered mine from gamestop’s site.

I placed my order the week they were announced but try the sites you mentioned never know.

I had totally forgotten I ordered it until I saw this post. Thanks for the reminder!

I got it from the Blizz shop back in July. Doesn’t show a delivery date though, still just “pending.”

I wouldn’t order anything from gamestop. They’re one stone throw away from bankruptcy and closing stores.

I’ve heard some horror stories of orders getting lost after some stores closed down.

Amazon says it’s unavailable.

Walmart and Best Buy still has it but it’s delivery date is before December 31, 2020. I could buy a Base Edition for now. When Collector’s Edition arrive, I could just put it in and hopefully, Blizzard would send my money back from Base Edition purchase.

Thanks for the heads up. Id not lose my money if some reason they fell through on my order, but it would be frustrating.

In this post, it says you will get BNet balance added to your account based on what edition you get.