Hey folks! for those who’ve been doing pet battles to gain rep in nazjatar, what pets have you been using? My teams don’t seem to be cutting it, and I’m already way ahead in rep for Mechagon.
Thank you!
Hey folks! for those who’ve been doing pet battles to gain rep in nazjatar, what pets have you been using? My teams don’t seem to be cutting it, and I’m already way ahead in rep for Mechagon.
Thank you!
Ikky, unbound Val’kyr, and whatever 3rd i felt like.
I just follow that
These two alone are practically all you need. Make sure they’re level 25 and upgraded to rare quality. Get yourself a Zandalari anklerender or kneebiter(pref 300 speed), and a twilight clutch sister. You need two pets with the explosive ability against Voltron but just for that one fight. The guides suggest a lil’bling as well.
Nice! I have Ikky already, but where do you get the Val’kyr from?
It’s a rare spawn from various points in north rend.
Northrend. I mean that literally. I got lucky and found one in Howling F’jord.
One of the folowing Howling Fjord coordinates has one pet for you, 100%:
45.9, 43.1
68.2, 67.6
71.7, 43.2
Worked for me. If you happen upon a second one(I did but forgot to heal so I lost the fight) also level it to 25, rare quality and sell it on the AH for a buttload because everyone and their mother is trying to get their hands on one of these.
Or you need 1 pet with inflation.
Yeah that works too, I don’t have one though.
You cant cage wild caught pets like the valkyr.
Hmm, starting to wonder how rare Lil’Bling is. I have two and I definitely haven’t gone out of my way looking for Blingtron’s for their packages.
Wait, I do have a lil’bling lol, found one pretty cheap on the AH and he was already level 15. I just haven’t leveled him up.
Hmm, starting to wonder how rare Lil’Bling is. I have two and I definitely haven’t gone out of my way looking for Blingtron’s for their packages.
Wait, I do have a lil’bling lol, found one pretty cheap on the AH and he was already level 15. I just haven’t leveled him up.
You cant cage wild caught pets like the valkyr.
Oh, really? That sucks!
I literally came across a Val’kyr within about a minute of teleporting to Dalaran. Someone else was already on it though. lol
The pets I’ve used the most for BFA content have been the Unborn Val’kyr, Ikky, Lil’ Bling, Nexus Whelpling or Stormborne Whelping, and a raptor such as the Zandalari Anklerender.
Keep in mind that pets are account bound, so if you’re finding the spawn points camped on your server, make a Trial on another, less populated server and trap it there. I keep an alt on a low pop RP server just because it makes farming certain pets and rares much easier.
I throw wave after wave of flying pets until I see progress to setup a team.
You cant cage wild caught pets like the valkyr.
Just to clarify: you can cage some wild caught pets, but not all of them. The Unborn Val’kyr is one of those pets you must catch yourself. It’s like getting a soulbound mount drop versus one you can sell.
I literally came across a Val’kyr within about a minute of teleporting to Dalaran. Someone else was already on it though. lol
Lol, that was quick. Took me like 3 hours of flying across Northrend before I found even one.
Double explode + strong pet can also do in a pinch if you have no unborn/ikky. I did my first run through of both mech and naz without unborn and ikky. Sure, it makes it a ton easier, though.