Try to get as many of these pets as possible…
Unborn Val’kyr
Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling
Anubisath idol
Magical Crawdad
I also have these achievement and WoW anniversary pets that are very good.
Molten Corgi
Iron Starlette
Try to get as many of these pets as possible…
Unborn Val’kyr
Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling
Anubisath idol
Magical Crawdad
I also have these achievement and WoW anniversary pets that are very good.
Molten Corgi
Iron Starlette
Ikky, Unborn valk, Zandalari raptors (mainly anklerender and Kneebiter)
Even more so, I came across a second one only to find someone else beat me to it as well. What’s worse is that this time the person already had one…
The raptor pets from the Legion mount questlines work really well too, like the sharptalon hatchling.
Boneshard +ikky +Ikky
Unborn Val+Ikky+ikky
though i prefer boneshard since you can put up at 6 hit per round dot
unbound Val’kyr was a must for me.
There’s one pet there I couldn’t kill though, the one that keeps healing himself
Hello, fellow VE Warlock!
Got my Val’kyr! 43.44 seems to be the best spot in Northrend. Literally 3 spawns within 2 hours