Best parts of Layering

We went the entire WOD release with server hopping abuse.

You’re right, but honestly, they’re at a point right now where it’s a day of reckoning. They have to either commit to fixing layering or commit to replacing it with something else. Right now, it’s a hot mess that does nothing to solve any launch problems but the ones they created for themselves. I think they need to take a serious hacksaw to it, maybe only allow layer swapping at inns, if they want to salvage it.

Still more likely it gets fixed than a sub change happens.

What you see in the Beta is more than likely what you are going to get.
Past expansion beta problems anyone ???

Blizzard has never indicated any change to the fee. You’re just barking up the wrong tree when you debate players over that.

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That’s sadly true but from what I and many others have reported on the stress tests. It got better in the second so… here’s to hoping.

The server stability really did get considerably better in the second stress test, yeah. I was actually really surprised how swiftly they managed to make everything so much smoother. They clearly got what it takes to handle this sorta stuff very well. :ok_hand:

The layer hopping and non-volunatry shift into a new layer definitely still was a thing though, one i experienced myself, especially when all the events and groups started to form again near the end. That’s just what layering brings with it, and will also transfer over to the live version if it goes through. And more.

The thing is, because layering’s dynamic, they can’t make any of these phasing issues just disappear or “fix” them, tweak them etc. They come with the nature of the beast. What they’d have to do to avoid those situations is to make the layers static in some instances, or altogether (as in, closed), because as long as they are open to being switched and automatically replace eachother depending on demand, this stuff is going to keep happening.
It’s intended, and it’s working.

I didn’t have any involuntary shifts in second one had 5 or more in first. All mid fight too.