Best parts of Layering

When sharding 2.0 is live, I won’t have to worry about finding the rare recipe from a vendor in booty bay or winterspring. When I get to the vendor, I can just shard hop a few times and find the vendor that has it up!


Farm up twink gear early on. Use layering to farm multiples.
Hold on to them and sell later on when twinking becomes more popular.


When sharding 2.0 is live, I will be shard hopping and phasing in and out so much I won’t have the ability to learn the names of those people leveling around me. This allows me to zone out and have a very impersonal experience. Much less effort exhorted talking to people and such…like an mmo-rpg or something…pfff


This is reminding me a whole lot about BFA, we all know how much sense of community we get playing that masterpiece don’t we. And now we get it in Classic. Great.


The actual best part of layering: the servers aren’t ghost towns two months after launch.


Runewright…for me this is all tongue in cheek.
I don’t want layering for all the reasons posted in this thread.

and I do not plan to sub until layering is gone.
Maybe someone at Blizz will read this and see what harm it can cause to classic.


LOL, so you’ll be playing catchup, while the rest of us are raiding and making bank.

Don’t worry, Ill save some mats for you, and when you finally hit max level, I’ll be wearing tier 3.

The best part of layering? I’ll be able to log in without queue times and without server crashes.

The best part is the servers aren’t ghost towns! You can see at least 1/4th of the people on your server also!

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Catchup to who ? you ?

Do you only play games the day they launch ?


It would be nice if Blizzard communicated to us if this is intended behavior or not. We don’t know if it is beta trial and error for the right sweet spot or if Blizzard is okay with how it currently operates. Because Blizzard is quiet on this, I can only assume this is how it will be on August 26th.

Since the videos are from streamers we can assume they were intentionally justy blowing things out of proportion for clicks and aren’t accurate.

2 months left and Blizzard’s track record for addressing issues like this is spotty at best, this can go very bad if they don’t fix these issues.

Are you being sarcastic?
Do not see where you want to go.
Layering sucks.

In phase 2 Layering will be a thing of the past and never return because it’s counter intuitive for Classic WoW.

That IMO is hella positive.

Half this thread is the same person on different characters.

He’s not wrong though.

Static variables (such as profession nodes/merchants/rares) with fixed spawn rates & locations combined with dynamic layer maneuverability is obviously not good. You can’t enforce a “cool down” period to fix it because it will prevent people from playing with their friends, and you can’t permanently assign specific layers for exactly the same reason.

What’s the solution?

There is no solution because anything else would upset the tourists and/or cost more of the money the subscribers will pay them by opening more servers, and Actiblizz can’t have that.

Sharding isn’t going to go away unless they force servers transfers after phase 1.

Or just merge servers if they dip below optimal capacity–this introduces another problem as numbers rise and fall with the release and stagnation of additional content. Most of you will see a lot of players quit when they are forced to confront the 40man raid bottleneck.

It’s a difficult issue… mergers may be required even with layering.