Best paladin race?

So anyway, OP, the best answer I think is to play what you dig. Lorewise, it’s all the same as well as the Human and Dwarven starting zones are fairly easy to reach from each other (Deeprun Tram).

I think Vanilla actually did a very good job with the racials as they did not legit make one race overpowered versus any other, choice-wise. For me, my favorite is probably the Forsaken’s Will of the Forsaken and the longer breath meter underwater. Many a time I was able to escape a bad PvP/gank scenario in Stranglethorn by swimming to the bottom of the ocean and running like a sissy.

There isn’t a best paladin race, you know why? Paladins are bad mmk.

Comb the booze, bear jerky and leaves out of your beard and I might change my mind.

Oh, I see you recently shaved it off instead.

best used for farming crates in Stratholme for Holy Water :slight_smile:

It’s a dumb aesthetic choice, but I made my pally a human because I thought dwarves looked goofy riding on horses. There’s no way I’d pick any mount over the chargers to ride as a pally.


Don’t know why you’d be anything other than a dwarf, but nobody’s perfect I guess.

Besides stoneform, fine treasure is very useful in Vanilla unlike in other expansions. Treasure chests exists everywhere from the starting zones to end game 5 mans and the higher level ones usually can contain some nice BoE blues you can sell on the AH.

The answer as always is: The Steeplechase.


Dwarf paladin usig cloth, leather, mail and plate to hpal looks worse than Amy Schumer after a bender.

I would go with dwarf or human.

They are fairly equal.

Humans give a slight leeway with gearing and hours of rep grinding whilst dwarves offers a decent pvp trinket.

Also, while humans don’t look so…scruffy, dwarves do have epic beards.

I made my dwarf paladin a female and named her Thicc.

Dat booty tho :ok_hand:

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Who’s scruffy lookin’?

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Maybe that means there is no single best paladin race.

I mean, stone form is pretty darn stronk in a lot of situations in Vanilla. And, while it wont help you heal, Dwarves have the coolest 2h weapon crit animation in game with their spin swing.

People do have a good point with Humans and Spirit though if you are looking for absolute min/maxing.

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