Best paladin race?

Pallies, like every other class, also get mana regen from Spirit, and MP5 regen numbers are derived from Spirit (in addition to any that’s directly found on gear).

Eh, most Mana is from crit heals. Not having spirit racial isnt that huge.

No it’s a small racial and they will be stacking Crit, but just so people are clear, Holy Pallies do benefit from Spirit as a stat in general. It doesn’t do nothing is the point.

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First rule of WoW:

If it can be a dwarf, then dwarf is best for that class.


Dwarf paladin was created to emote at rogues. /moan


top meet kek!

My main in vanilla was a UD rogue. At the time when having full shadowcraft and dal’rends made you a god amongst rogues I had them. I would target Paladins on purpose in WPVP, wait until they were at ~70% health then pounce. I rarely lost. I can’t even imagine how many paladins I made rage quit.

Dwarfs never knew of the light till they picked up a hot human >.>

The human racial bonus to reputation gains is one of those flashy but ultimately insignificant things. In the long run, it does not make that much of a difference. You might spend an extra couple of hours grinding out a rep, or have to do a a dozen or so more turn-ins I would not base character decisions solely around the rep bonus.

Let’s say a turn-in (quest, etc.) awards 250 rep. Humans will get 275 instead (+10%). Grinding 21k rep will require seven (7) more turn-ins if you aren’t playing a Human. Going from Neutral to Exalted (42k) will take fifteen (15) more turn-ins as a non-Human.

Convenient, yes, but not decisive.

There is absolutely no reason to pick Human over Dwarf afaik. Up to you of course. Pick Dwarf.

Human pallies get an auto +2 to aggro when posting on the forums.


Just curious but did you farm rep in vanilla? Because that would take weeks or months of grinding for certain reps, like Furbogs or whatever north of Org. Convenience means a lot in vanilla. Also Humans get + damage and threat from + sword/mace skills and a spirit bonus for healing. Dwarves bring very little to the table

Human is the best race. Don’t @ me.

Human for rep bonus. No direct bonus to healing, true, but… /dothemath

Yes! I was an avid rep farmer, to the extent I ground out the same reps multiple times on different characters. It is actually one of my favorite forms of grinding/farming in the game, so my perspective may be a bit skewed on it.

That said, the only reps I can ever think of that took weeks to do (outside of “The Insane,” which I never did because I’m not a masochist :P) were Hydraxian Waterlords (mathematically limited per week to MC bosses after Revered), and Brood of Nozdormu (same).

Timbermaw Hold would take me about a day or two depending on how hard I went at it; Cenarion Circle took me about 2-4 days depending on the same; Bloodsail was dependent on how many I had helping me and how much PvP action there was to be had, but we used to knock it out in one go; and restoring Steamwheedle was a bit more painful (farming the guys in Tanaris- got better with cloth turn-ins which I do not recall if they were present in 1.12) and took about a week or so because I could never quite focus on that one as much and Tanaris was one of my least favorite zones.

The Human +rep never struck me as a must-have. Again, convenient but not decisive.

Edit: The BG reps and the Darkmoon Faire took forever and a day as well- I forgot about those!


BEs of course!

Oh wait…

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Dwarf. You get a free trinket from blind/poisons as racial and damage reduction. Way better than humans.

Humans suck in classic, their racial is slightly useful for rogues vs rogues, but that is it.


This guy gets it.

10% more reputation in Classic? I’ll be chilling with my Timbermaw bros while smelly Dwarves are still shoulder-deep in furbolg corpses.

Shots fired.

Well between the 2, you have

–spirit bonus - paladins don’t stack spirit and have no mana regen while casting to utilize spirit. You would have to stop casting for extended periods of time to even be able to utilize spirit and the spirit on gear would only net you a laughably low amount of spirit from the racial.
–perception - Paladins don’t really have enough of an issue with stealth classes to need to be able to see them early and even if you would benefit from catching them, you’d have to know they were there in the first place to activate the racial.
–mace/sword spec - The only time you’d be using your weapon is if you’re trying to proc mana regen from S/JoW and the racial isn’t going to be enough help to justify it.
–diplomacy - by far the most attractive racial for human paladins but is absolutely worthless if you’re not farming rep and/or after you’ve maxed rep. The amount of time it saves you getting rep maxed is not enough to really justify it over anything specifically.

–gun specialization - you’ll never use this as a paladin
–stoneform - one of the best pvp racials on the alliance side. It helps you against rogues in pvp and lets you save bubble for something else. It’s also useful in pve by saving you from spending mana on cleansing stuff on yourself every 3 minutes. It can also be used as an armor cooldown if need be.
–frost resistance - while it is a small amount, it’s still a useful bonus if/when you get into naxx. It allows you to gear for other stats at that point.
–find treasure - treasure chests always offer a decent chance at something to either vendor or AH. It never really dwindles in usefulness even when you have lots of gold.