Also important to note you can’t give a boss parry haste as often with weapon skill.
There’s the meme dual wield tank spec, but more warriors playing better and gearing more towards threat are pulling more TPS.
Also important to note you can’t give a boss parry haste as often with weapon skill.
There’s the meme dual wield tank spec, but more warriors playing better and gearing more towards threat are pulling more TPS.
That’s a good point about the parry haste. Also Night elves have the worse stance with a shield so… Why would you be one to tank? Worse decision I ever made was a NElf warrior. I hated watching my guy tank. Looked like an idiot.
I mained a Tauren tank in Vanilla and BC, until MoP, they really were pretty amazing tanks. The stats and hp, when you factor in enchants, does make a difference. But remember, you’ll have to carry more gear for resistance. Nature, fire, frost, etc.
I like Orcs more aesthetically so I put them ahead of all horde races but from a racial standpoint with tanking; Tauren probably has the edge. Unless you’re wielding an axe.
Oh, you went male NE.
I hadn’t delved into the realm of making female characters yet. Probably would’ve enjoyed my warrior a lot more if he was a she.
Yeah, this druid was male NE from Vanilla to Cata. Happily went female as the male just sounded and looked horrible.
I know I’m gonna kick myself for this but I’m going male NE Druid in classic. Only because my spouse will be playing with me so I have to be a guy in game.
I wish you luck. I’m single, but I’d just tell a woman “Sorry, my choice”.
I’d like to think I would to but well… Happy wife happy life.
The only bonus is Druid. I can shapeshift to avoid looking at his fugliness.
over all as in pvp and pve?
Id say Tauren.
They have Hp - Helps for both pvp / pve and all specs Hp is big for warriors
They have better Melee range.
Nature resistance - good for every one.
Warstomp - Very good for leveling and pvp even tanking some mobs
Tauren have the best for both pvp and pve. They have the highest strength of any race aswell.
They are just the best overall for ALL SPECS