Best Overall Warrior Race

Both Horde or Alliance what is the overall best warrior race

Warrior is the best Warrior class.


What he said

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Shaman. Shaman is the best warrior class.

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Definitely Druid. Druid is a better warrior than Shaman, because we get Rage in Bear form.

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If you get all the gear and have the time and have pocket heals you’re arguably the best of both pve and pvp worlds. You can MT and get Thunderfury. You can do massive damage in PvP, but need a healer to keep you up.

The problem is warrior is one of, if not the, most over played classes in Vanilla. Unless you’re the GM/RL or the first tank to be recruited in a guild you’re probably not getting TF so you’ll settle for the next best weapon. You have to outperform all those other warriors and be a competent raider as your decisions affect the entire raid. If you’re going dps you do get it slightly easier responsibility wise, but you have to be willing to go OT from time to time.

I debated going warrior again in Vanilla. I was one on a few private servers. I wanted to MT and get a shot at TF and all the pvp fun. However, I decided I’d rather attempt the challenge that is competitive playing a druid which was my main throughout Vanilla and the rest of WoW I played.

However, the truth is the best class is the one you enjoy the most. If you do not enjoy playing your class you will stop playing. Or reroll and have to level to 60 again. Not a fun prospect on your main character if you have ground out any 60 pre-raid BiS or even farther into raiding and pvp with gear.

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Fir what you probably ment, human is the best alliance, because of sword and mace skill, and orc best horde for axe skill and bloodfury, Some debate that undead for pvp and dwarf/gnome pvp but the sword and axe skill in pvp is great as well. However Master race is orc and human


3rd best tank in classic

Human for alliance in pve, probably dorf in pvp. For horde its orc period. Axe racial plus 25% stun resist. Only drawback to Orc tank are fights where the boss MC’s cause blood fury healing debuff blows.

I’ll clarify here for those that disagree, in pvp weapon skills don’t matter nearly as much. The hit gain isn’t huge and its mainly sought after for glancing blow damage penalty reduction. Allowing dorf with stoneform to pull ahead. For horde though… 25% stun resist is the best pvp racial in vanilla.

Rogue is the best stealth warrior

Gnome & orc are best warriors for pvp.

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The only option is Troll.

Gnome with TF and dreadnaught because isn’t it obvious.

prefer dorf, but gnome has an argument in pvp. Gnomes are just so f-ing fugly.

Orc: Is great in pvp for Orcs with the stun resist which stops rogues from stun locking you. Orc warriors > Rogues. There racial is pretty good in pvp as well but everything else is eh tbh the axe spec doesn’t apply in tanking for pve that much.

Undead: Good in pvp for stopping an extra fear or charm and can cannibalize to troll. Shadow resist is alright I guess.

Tauren: War stomp can be quite nice in pvp, 5% max hp increase which is great for tanking and a small nature resist which is fine.

Troll: Regen is eh tbh berserking is alright for dps on warrior but not that great.


Human: Sword spec will help with glancing blows etc in pve since quite a lot of one handed weapons in tanking are swords. Perception helps find rogues but tbh you can use demo shout for that.

Gnomes: Escape Artist helps a lot in pvp.

Night Elve: Have an extra doge chance… can also use shadowmeld which can be fun in pvp

Dwarf: Stoneform can get rid of bleeds and poisons can be nice. They have frost resistance which helps against mages a bit.

For Horde Orc is probs generally the best in pvp with gnome I would say being the best for ali pvp (not sure about that though) Best pve warrior for Horde is Tauren with Ali one being Human?

In the end racials don’t matter that much tbh unless you want to min max. Also I don’t play Warrior so sorry if this is slightly off.

People are still doing the math how valuable sword specialization in raw DPS terms, but it’s quite potent. Berserking is also nice for snap burst threat and also DPS. In PvP, dwarf and orc are largely considered the best, as Stoneform is very good and resisting stuns is huge, plus an additional damage cooldown for 1v1s. But WotF makes you dumpster Warlocks.

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I think Tauren in a little bit under rated and could be the best tank.

The racial might as well say +25 stamina. It’s no small amount.

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Yeah the Tauren racial is definitely great and better if you take into account their starting stam stat is quite good (the best I think).

Pretty sure people figured it out on private servers right? Ik that it will be different in classic most likely but wasn’t it quite good in p servers?

The extra melee distance is nice, but the health isn’t actually as important as you make it sound. The extra threat from Orc (if you are using an axe, which admittedly isn’t often) or especially Troll outweighs the small health. If your healers are doing it right and you’re not bad and in poor gear, that small amount of health won’t be the difference between a death or a survivable hit often enough that the lower TPS you put out would be worth it.

But who cares about min/maxing, honestly.

Private servers aren’t entirely accurate, there’s testing going on right now about the true hit cap (which seems to be 8-8.6% and not 9%) and how much the extra dodge chance is affecting melee and the parry chance is affecting tanks.

It’s always been good, but exact DPS values are subject to change. Right now we’re not even sure if the extra dodge chance hurts ranged crit, for example.

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I actually think it could be the opposite, threat isn’t as important as you think.

I ranked from late 2005 through the end of vanilla and don’t remember much threat issues. Private servers are way off in this respect, FPS is way too high and in turn yhreat is way to high. Buff stacking likely will not be as effective as seen on private servers either.

While I agree that raid DPS will be much higher in classic than it was in vanilla. This is because the average player will be better and the terrible players might be low in number. The good players back then aren’t going to much different now. And you weren’t competing with the entire raid for threat, it was more like the top two or three performers in a lot of guilds.

Would you suggest that edgemasters would be BIS for tanking since, as you said, the increase in threat would be more valuable than say the effective health offered by say T2 gloves?