Best or most iconic class for each race?

Eventually, I’m going to level up one character of each race in Classic. What’s the best class for each race? Or most iconic or interesting for each race? I want a fun experience from each race, with preferably no duplication of any class.

Here are my thoughts.
Human: Paladin or Priest?
Dwarf: Hunter or Warrior?
Night Elf: Druid or Rogue?
Gnome: Mage.
Orc: Warrior or Hunter?
Troll: Hunter or Shaman?
Tauren: Shaman or Warrior?
Forsaken: Warlock or Priest?

Thoughts from anyone else.

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Just by aesthetics:
Human paladin.
Dwarf hunter.
Night elf druid.
Gnome mage.
Orc warrior or shaman.
Troll rogue.
Tauren shaman or warrior.
Forsaken warlock or priest.


Most “iconic” or best?

The most “iconic” race for priest is without a doubt Night Elf. The Night Elf culture is solely based around Priestess of the Moon being the leaders and their leader is a Priestess. It is the most iconic class for the race. Sure druids are important, but Elune is the center of their culture.

But…Night Elf priests are not well liked and are far from the "best.

For others…


Priest: NE/Undead
Warrior: Dwarf/ Orc
Hunter: Dwarf / Tauren
Warlock: Gnome/ Orc
Rogue: Human / Troll
Paladin: Human
Mage: Human / Undead
Shaman: Orc


Human: Paladin
Dwarf: Hunter
Night Elf: Druid
Gnome: Rogue
Orc: Warrior
Troll: Mage
Tauren: Shaman
Forsaken: Warlock

This is how I see them.

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Either. I’m interested in fun, either from being a good fit between race and class, or from just being cool to play. These will alts to my Human Paladin main.

Human: Hunter
Dwarf: Shaman
Night Elf: Mage
Gnome: Priest
Orc: Mage
Troll: Druid
Tauren: Paladin
Forsaken: Hunter

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Anything shaman should be a shaman

One take:

Human: Paladin
Dwarf: Priest
Night Elf: Rogue
Gnome: Mage
Orc: Shaman
Troll: Hunter
Tauren: Druid
Forsaken: Warlock

I can see other possibilities for sure.


How I would see it, particularly if you don’t want to repeat classes:

Human: Paladin
Dwarf: priest/hunter
Gnome: mage/rogue
Night Elf: druid

Orc: warrior
Tauren: shaman
Troll: hunter/rogue
Forsaken: warlock

Human: paladin or priest
Dwarf: hunter
Nelf: druid
Gnome: mage
Orc: warrior
Troll: hunter
Tauren: shaman
Forsaken: warlock


Troll is certainly hunter (headhunters).


I just can’t play a gnome unless he’s a mage. That was the first character I created, and also my only male toons. All the other bros in this game are too roided out for me. :laughing:

Not seeing enough love for Orc Warlocks, they’re the OG Warlocks.

I always thought that the Shaman class always fit the Tauren vibe.

WC3 surely leads to

Tauren - warrior
Troll - hunter
Orc - shaman/warlock
Human - paladin
Dwarf - hunter
Night elf - priest/Druid/hunter

Looks like you went out of your way to only list race and class combos that were not available back in Vanilla.

Based on the intro cinematic that came with 2004 WoW Classic, I think the iconic classes are the following:

  • Dwarf: hunter
  • Night Elf: druid
  • Forsaken: warlock
  • Tauren: shaman
  • Orc: warrior
  • Human: mage

Human: Mage or Paladin
Dwarf: Warrior or Hunter
Nelf: Priest or Druid
Gnome: Rogue or Mage
Orc: Warrior or Shaman
Troll: Hunter or Shaman
Tauren: Druid or Shaman
Forsaken: Rogue or Warlock

Forget the cliche stereotypes. Be what you want bro. :sunglasses:

Here my two cents:

Humans: Paladin, Priest and Mage.
Night Elves: Male Druid, Female Priest, Female Hunter.
Dwarf: Warrior, Hunter.
Gnome: Mage.

Orcs: Warrior, Shaman.
Taurens: All of them except warriors.
Trolls: Priest, Hunter.
Forsakens: Priest… and i don’t know what else, Forsaken lore it’s not my thing.

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