Best Option for TBC Is lvl 58?

Um, but…like…why though?


Well I can understand wanting to play your characters on Classic and TBC servers, I don’t understand forcing people to split their characters up.

The above is the most likely scenario for The Burning Crusade launch. The other options are just there to see what people will say.

This seems to be two distinct ideas:

  1. You don’t understand.
  2. Forcing people to split characters up.

It isn’t clear (to me) what either of those ideas means. Perhaps you could elaborate.

For the record, I’m not Blizzard, and I don’t know how they will end up rolling things out.

My preference is that there will be a way, at any point in the future, for someone to roll a character on WoW Classic, and upgrade through the Classic expansions that are released, when they would like to. This could function very similarly to how upgrading a character from Diablo II to Diablo II LoD works.

Yes but why are you against the idea of it being a copy, in other words there are two instances of the character one on the Classic server and one on the TBC server.

I mean, this has already been addressed in this thread that’s like almost a year old. Maybe catch up on the reading and feel free to disagree with any of the points I raised.

BC has been discussed often in most of the chat channels on my server and I didn’t read anyone who wanted to stay on perma-classic servers or that want fresh BC servers. Everyone posting about it is looking forward to progressing with their 60’s to BC. What I get from in game chat is very different than the people posting here.

Well I don’t care and secondly everyones bubble group will have a different opinion but these are Classic servers BC is not classic people came here for Classic not to relive BC progression. Now if you are for instance the same Haven from Malygos est. 2009 you missed that and went from Wrath to Cata a let down to be sure but its not my problem. Now however they let you get over to BC without screwing me over is fine with me, copy paste you to another server etc. whatever, but I don’t want to see that portal been there done that. I/we shouldnt have to sacrifice Classic servers we have been waiting on for years so people that started in CATA can have a magic moment for the first time and ruin the game for us again.

Many people started Classic just for BC progression.

I never played on Malygos.

I started in Vanilla a couple of months after release.

Blizzard will not leave you on your server because when BC is released most people will move on and your server will be unplayable and unviable. They will in some way combine or merge the few perma-classic players into one or two servers.

Well thats your opinion mostly an attempt to sway public opinion I would wager and there are a lot of people who had no intention of going to BC and BC was never part of the deal with Classic servers if thats why you started thats your problem. They will essentially kill Classic for BC servers and some of you don’t know what you’re in for many of these guilds cannot even handle Naxx you want that progression drama, flying ruining world pvp and some of the Outlands crappy zones thats on you. You need your own servers because BC is a different game its not even close and certainly not Classic.

There will always be classic servers. Blizzard stated this already. It allows them to counter Pservers.

We already have “dead” classic servers, so it makes sense to combine servers to let people play classic till the end of time. Even if they leave all the classic servers as is and let us copy over to TBC servers, you’d just be playing on an empty classic server.

Classic, for a large majority, is done. There are no more raids, dungeons, or pvp to be added. This is it. While that is what you want, a seemingly large majority want to continue to progress into TBC and WoLK. If you and others don’t want to then you shouldn’t be forced to but that doesn’t mean things won’t still change for you.

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There was never any deal. Blizzard makes that clear in the tos that everyone must click “I agree” to play the game. The only deal you agreed to was that Blizzard can do anything they want to the game and make any changes at any time and not tell you the reason why.

I don’t care about public opinion, it doesn’t matter. Blizzard will use the data from their surveys to make their decision. If the vast majority want to progress to BC the servers will move forward and the perma-classic players will be combined on a couple of servers.

Well I hate to tell you but likely Tikicharge is correct likely we will have a Classic merger down to something like 6-7 servers or whatnot to combat private servers likely the same will happen to BC before Wrath servers come out. And the nature of BC servers means they can die faster than Classic servers did especially if they offer exfers again. Hardly a safe investment to kill of Classic for that.

The only other option is allow both transfer or copy. i.e. you can make a copy of that character onto a permanent classic server, as well as continue to play that same character into Burning Crusade.

By starting at 58 you are invalidating TBC content. Remember BC was not 58-70, it added four new low level zones, added class quests for Alliance shamans and Horde paladins, added quests here and there, etc. Not to mention important things obtained through leveling. It would be like a PTR pre-made character only worse, since it’s not a temporary test realm.

You are literally invalidating TBC content with level 58 servers. It either must be fresh from level 1 (probably best for the realm overall, save faction balance), or transfer classic characters (simulating TBC launch back in the day).

If they aren’t worth repeating they aren’t worth finding.

I apologize if I came across as rude in my previous reply. However, you’re asking questions that are already answered multiple times within this thread. And when I scrolled up to look at the discussion, it isn’t a simple “copy/paste” of a single point.

There are several paragraphs. It would be worth catching yourself up on the conversation, imo. Rather than expect it to be repeated.

This might be a good starting point for you: