First, I’d like to say that I started wow in MOP, but being a kid and new player at the time, I had no idea what I was doing. And never stepped foot into a raid or anything like that during mop.
I did play it in remix and really enjoyed prot pally, but I know that the classes are very different from what they are in current wow.
So, knowing that the classes will be much different, than I would like to ask.
What are the best tanks in mop?
Not just in strength but general fun as well. I know that’s subjective but I’m interested in whatever opinions you may have. Were there any really super weak tanks, that may have struggled in content? Or anything else like that?
Easiest to play: Prot Paladin
Best assuming the actual player is skilled: Blood DK
Most room for skill expression: BM Monk
“No guys I promise it totally works that was a calculated wipe”: Demonology Warlock
I’m bias toward blood dk but it’s also a pretty good expansion to play brewmaster and paladin really shine with their utility and can cheese some tank swaps with their bubble in mop making them be able to solo some bosses.
Monk and DK are the two best tanks and it’s not close. Both can easily handle the load of 1 tank 1 heal setups. Easy S-tier for both. Also, don’t ever let anyone tell you dk takes any skill whatsoever. You can literally do mastery until 200% and then stack haste, talent runic corruption (200% rune regen speed, 45% proc from spending runic power), and do a rotation of ds->ds->hs->hs->rune strike, if you proc runic corruption spend runes again instead of dumping runic power. It’s full brain off gameplay, with 0 consideration for incoming damage. (optimized tank setups with good healers will go for crit/parry/haste stacks)
Prot paladin and druid are in A-tier, paladin can do some of the solo tank setups but with way less dps potential, i’ve never seen anyone attempt it on druid.
Prot warrior is going to do the same thing it’s doing in cata, being absolute trash until it’s in bis, at which point nothing matters. Nobody cares that warrior is going to do better dps than any of the other tanks in absolute SoO bis, you’re going to be a detriment to your group the entire rest of the expansion.
Big difference from nowadays is that it still use the old rune system with different runes so it’s a bit slower pace but you get around the same tools with blood worms being able to heal your party and you get the original gorefiend’s grasp. From Cata to Legion some tanks were very very strong while they’ve been going down recently on retail and this is one of them.
That’s good to know, I have struggled tanking as a warrior at the beginning of expansions before (bfa), and that seems to be when tanks are the most important.
ah okay yeah, I noticed that the runes were different, but I was unsure how much of an effect it would have.
Tyvm I think I’ll avoid prot warrior then. I’m not really trying to prove anything I just like being as helpful as possible to the party and getting quick queues
Tbh it’s less that prot warrior is “bad” and more that every other tank is just better. A “someone has to be the bottom rung” situation, and it’s not even that big of a gap
Warriors do suffer from being gear dependent though, so they feel like they’d be a better second or third character than a first. Though I have heard really good things about them as well.
You’ll never get me away from being a prot pally. Way too much utility in the kit when used correctly. I like being able to bubble cancel dots, save my heals with BoP, LoH some dummy that stood in the fire, HoF through pain in the butt slows, remove my own poisons/diseases…
Or you can roll face on the keyboard as a DK and do the best, it just depends what you like to do and if you really care about being the best of the best of the best.
WoD didn’t have any patch notes for Stagger. In Legion it got reworked to Stagger more physical damage but less magical, but there were no straight nerfs until 8.1, where (after being reworked again to be based off your Agility) it was nerfed to 105% of your Agility from 140%
Best I can think of is you might be thinking of tier sets? Where the T15 (Throne of Thunder) 2-piece gives 12% additional Stagger after Fortifying Brew ends, and T16 doesn’t have any bonus related to Stagger