i do beleve they did something since at the start monks could take a varry big hit and brew it off i rember them hot fixing it
Ty, I didn’t know that. Though there does seem to be some disagreement about where the nerf came from it looks like in general people do remember some sort of nerf.
I think it’ll be interesting to see what monk feels like in the prepatch I suppose.
Guardian is the absolute best tank period, end of story. Next.
Druid is far about DK and Monk, monk tanks a psycho to play.
DK and monk both can handle 1 tank 1 heal setups. Pala can but is less flexible. Druid and warrior just suck by comparison.
Heroic raids towards the end of MoP start to mirror current retail to a degree. You aren’t going to find one definitive “best” or “worst” class in the general expansion.
Monks are amazing for challenge mode dungeons and have a special toolkit for tanking HC Garrosh. Prot Warriors have the most amount of raid tools and great AoE threat. But Arms and Fury are both sought after as DPS.
All of the tanks can put up crazy high dps numbers.
I was reading this
That’s about WoD. Heroic Siege loot was 566, poster mentions 690 ilvl.