Best mage to ever play?

I’ve not played game in 8+ years but It is pretty obvious that I’m better then anyone who’s ever touched a keyboard. I feel like any relevant player quit this game in woltk or bc, I go on twitch and xaryu is the top streamer? Pika and xaryu have made a career out of 2v1ing new players while giving their viewers a elevated sense of accomplishment and totally deminished the bracket 1500-2100. Basically atm you’re either below 1500 and trash, in the 1500-2100 bracket struggling to sort out who can actually play and whos 15 and carried by streamers, or 2100+ and actually have a general idea of how the game works. Game full of 30 people who know how to play and 100,000 people with elevated egos. Good to see mitch back (rest in peace reckful) was worried that competition wouldn’t be a thing. I’ll see you guys in the arena with my watered down glad title and great value rank 1.

Maro atm but raiku overall since he been playing forever I think

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At least you’re a gladiator, seems like this season pvp will be fun and with pvp vendors i can pub stomp kids without having to no life pve. Maro? Not xaryu? He 1v2s kids all the time

Who was that arcane mage that like 3v1’d at some high end tournament one year? definitely them for best mage ever.

You’re talking orange marmalade he 1v2d sk asia kids a legend.

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The true GOAT

Skip to like ~23 for the game to actually start


orangemarmalade was so far ahead of his time. i want to say the game took more skill back in the day but i think its just a different skill set. it used to be more mechanical but not i think its more game knowledge and decision making. but from a mechanical pov i do think its orangemarmalade


The kid used fire and frost ward during all that to elevate his damage and perfectly managed mana and cds angles everything. Against a equally skilled player. He didn’t goto the middleschool playground and beat up inferior opponents.


I always think of that guy when I play mage. Hes like my “God” or reference when I play mage xD. Golden age of wow pvp. I wish pvp was still good enough to be an e-sport like it used to be.

1v2ing bad players or players who dont pay attention and make mistakes doesn’t make him a god player.

idk who I’d call the best mage personally cuz I don’t play mage well.

I think it depends on the time period. I don’t think there has been a single mage that has been definitely the best every single expac

its gotta b my homie talibandz

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YES! thank you everybody <3

Gameking ofc.

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Best mage has to be Bahjeera…
He does supersets in his ice blocks…

Such a hard thing to say

It’s much easier to say a list of the best mages ever, but a lot of them are so close in a lot of ways that it’s very hard to have a clear winner

It’s all tourney competitors though being the best

Black is on the come up probably gonna be one of the best mages 2021 I wouldn’t doubt

vurtne was so far beyond everyone during his time
dude was an actual god


that was literally the arena finals match unless i’m mistaking what you’re quoting here. that was him 1v2ing the best of the best of his peers. Orangmarm’s a legend to this day for a reason.

Currently playing my vote is for Raiku tho.

Yeah. Ziqo used to tell stories of how insane vurtne was so I think vurtne definitely deserves an honorable mention. Ziqo’s insane too.

Jahmilli, I’ve not heard of them in a while.