Best Looking Shaman Gear

Returning player.

I love how classic armor pieces look on Shaman and that you can Transmorg gear.

So far the original 10-Storms Shoulders or Herod’s/Harkan’s shoulder look the best to me.

What are some of your favorite armor sets and offhand shields for Shaman?

I have been soloing old content that I had never done before to get some great looks.


I like what I’m currently wearing as a throwback. The shoulders are from ToC from WotlK. The Tomb of Sargeras Mythic set is really nice too b/c it’s like HD T6, and most T6 sets looked amazing imo.

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Looks good!

My current mog, i think i really fit well with the night fae

That’s cool. I am sure it would like astonishingly bad on my avatar. But, it’s a great model.

I like ones that are very detailed. But, I don’t like the ones that are too animated. I like glows and and particle effects, I just don’t like some of the sets where they put a solar system in each one one of the shoulder pads.

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Dark shaman set is my #1 favorite.

Also love the Challenge Mode set and the raid set from Throne of Thunder.


Where do I get the Dark Shaman set? When I looked it up it only said “cosmetic”.

I want the head piece to go with the shoulders from the ten storms set.

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Wait. Can you only get it from BMAH? does it still drop off the boss if you go back through SoO?

Yes. It’s also from Siege of Ogrimmar as far as I know.

Thank you for the help Zezu. I apologize, I never played the mist of Pandaria Expansion. I stopped played 10 years ago.

I am trying to look things up. What is the Black Market?

Also, I am trying to lookup the siege of ogrimmar and content from prior expansions, but I cannot seem to use Chromie to access content anymore. I did a little bit of Warlords of Draenor recently but cannot anymore.

Anyway, the short of it is. How do I access this content at lvl 51 with Shadowlands Upgrade?

To farm old raid gear, you don’t use Chromie, but simply need to enter the raids. You will want to be in the current timeline, travel to MoP. There you will need to speak with Chromie though, b/c that zone has a different phase to access the SoO entrance.

Hands down, dark shaman set. I’ll probably never swap mogs now that I have it.

I wish you luck farming it. I can’t say it was enjoyable but I think it only took me like 15-20 weeks? I’ve heard horror stories of people going on years without seeing it.

Also it definitely still drops, got mine about two weeks ago.

I just want the Headpiece. If there is an easy way to just get that and only that, let me know.

From the looks of things that headpiece is a great match for 10-Storms Shoulder Armor.

You can buy the headpiece from the legion legendary vendor in dalaran… I’m not sure if there’s any pre reqs to see the items or buy them. They cost nether shards? Which come from legion rares iirc.

Maximum zug.

So, I want to try to farm the Dark Shaman set. I have researched through google and what I have found is far from clear.

One way references Black Market Auction House.

Another way says Kor’Kron Dark Shaman set is something I can get in Mists of Panderia expansion. But I don’t understand this way. It says it is a treasure that drops sometimes and references the Siege of Ogrimmar.

I am a returning player, last played around catalcysm and WOTLK. I purchased Shadowlands and believe that I have the Mists of Panderia content.

How do I trigger the “Siege of Ogrimmar?” I am level 51 now, so I cannot go to chromie and choose the Mists of Panderia Timeline.

Any help here would be much appreciated.

Atacil says I can buy the headpiece in Dalaran from a Legion Vendor? Is that true?

Siege is a raid instance. The zone the raid entrance is located in was also a part of the “invasion” during BFA (the previous expansion) and is therefore all corrupted. So if you go the area where the raid entrance is, and it’s not there (everything seems corrupted), you talk to Chromie (in that zone) to go the normal (previous) version of the zone.

Thank you. Is this something I could solo?

Siege can be solo’d, but it’s rather annoying and longer raid.