Dwarves… No other race can hold a candle to dwarves
I was with you until that final sentence.
Blood Elf or Zandalari, and it’s not even close.
The human models are a dumpster fire… and that run animation…
Blood Elf or Zandalari
Liadrin adds a few extra points to the Blood Elves for her depiction in this Hearthstone cinematic.
Hearthstone isn’t canon
It’s vanilla. And I know it.
But humans tend to look the best.
Blood Elves or Zandalari for Horde though.
Blood Elves. They even get paladin Antorus set recolor as racial armor
I would say Zandalari if they wore boots, so Human.
I think Orc Paladins will take the cake though.
Female Blood Elves…obviously…slender and elegant.
Humans…not so much…short and chonky.
Orc master race
The answer is ALWAYS The Sin’dorei !
Learn it.
Live it.
Love it.
You’ve spelled Sin’dorei incorrectly, but I’d expected that since you eat rocks.
Blood elves if you’re going for a blood knight aesthetic, draenei/lightforged cuz spacegoats are pretty.
Void elves when they’re added
But currently blood elf = lightforged for me
Lightforged Draenei female and it’s not even close.
Correct. Esp with heritage armor and lustrous daybreak greatsword.
Human or dwarf - either / or.
All other races as a Paladin are an abomination.
Blood Elves: murderous twisted evil monsters
Dranei: ugly space goats
Tauren: cows, just stop
Zandalari: oh GOD, hideous trolls, please stop!
Look, keep Paladin on the Alliance side and Shaman on Horde side. Burning Crusade ruined WoW lore, but the classes crossing sides was a complete crapping of the bed.
Each side had just 1 stinking exclusive race. Just 1… and the Paladin was gimped. Why crossover?
my vote goes to draenei for females, and zandalari for men.
i dunno why, i just feel they look best as the class.
As soon as they implement it, Gnome Paladins will be the defacto in every category. There’s no need to debate further.
Lock stones are tasty. They’re sour apple flavor