Best looking race as paladin goes to

Dwarves… No other race can hold a candle to dwarves

I was with you until that final sentence.

Blood Elf or Zandalari, and it’s not even close.

The human models are a dumpster fire… and that run animation… :nauseated_face:

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Blood Elf or Zandalari

Liadrin adds a few extra points to the Blood Elves for her depiction in this Hearthstone cinematic.

Hearthstone isn’t canon

It’s vanilla. And I know it.

But humans tend to look the best.

Blood Elves or Zandalari for Horde though.

Blood Elves. They even get paladin Antorus set recolor as racial armor

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I would say Zandalari if they wore boots, so Human.

I think Orc Paladins will take the cake though.

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Female Blood Elves…obviously…slender and elegant.

Humans…not so much…short and chonky.

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Orc master race


The answer is ALWAYS The Sin’dorei !

Learn it.
Live it.
Love it.

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You’ve spelled Sin’dorei incorrectly, but I’d expected that since you eat rocks.

Blood elves if you’re going for a blood knight aesthetic, draenei/lightforged cuz spacegoats are pretty.

Void elves when they’re added :smiling_imp:

But currently blood elf = lightforged for me

Lightforged Draenei female and it’s not even close.

Correct. Esp with heritage armor and lustrous daybreak greatsword.

Human or dwarf - either / or.

All other races as a Paladin are an abomination.

Blood Elves: murderous twisted evil monsters

Dranei: ugly space goats

Tauren: cows, just stop

Zandalari: oh GOD, hideous trolls, please stop!

Look, keep Paladin on the Alliance side and Shaman on Horde side. Burning Crusade ruined WoW lore, but the classes crossing sides was a complete crapping of the bed.

Each side had just 1 stinking exclusive race. Just 1… and the Paladin was gimped. Why crossover?


my vote goes to draenei for females, and zandalari for men.

i dunno why, i just feel they look best as the class. :person_shrugging:

As soon as they implement it, Gnome Paladins will be the defacto in every category. There’s no need to debate further.

Lock stones are tasty. They’re sour apple flavor