Human male or lightforge female.
Leader of the Blood Knights
One of the founders of the Blood Knights
liadrins right hand
Blood Knight who accompanied horde heroes in pandaria, joined the Silver Hand
Blood elf Orphan you met in burning crusade, she joined the ranks of that Blood Knights in shadowlands
Secondary leader of the Blood Knights, gave you the first trial to get your blood Knight charger
Issue with blood elves is that their ears and eyebrows clip through 99% of helmets.
It ruins so many mog options.
Forsaken. The answer is always Forsaken.
Semper Fi!
I only remember one of them… None of them sound legendary at all.
Not many of them running around…
Now be honest. Without googling ‘blood elf paladins’ how many of them did you know by name?
Arthas? Tirion? Turalyon? Arator? Bolvar? Uther? Alexandros Mograine? Nearly everyone knows their name.
Maybe if you stop zooming through quests you may have paid attention better throughout your questing in Azeroth
the waggles
Doesn’t matter, we’re all dead sexy no matter the class. Besides, Forsaken paladins are coming, Christ on a drunk pony we have Tauren rogues, we damn well better get Forsaken paladins.
Semper Fi!
Always Draenei.
human female paladin
The point I was making about their notoriety was that their models are typically more fleshed out and their appearance (which is what this post is about) makes them look the best.
Also has a lot of impact on players equipment.
Now look at all of the Blood Elf Paladins Zumakind listed and how many are wearing very generic stuff.
Now look at all of the Human Paladins and all of the really good armor they got.
King Terenas son that sought vengeance against his people and used Frostmourne, which ended his people
One of the first of the silver hand, he was shamed for saving an orc from execution, died in legion
Silver hand paladin that took a suicide mission to seal the dark portal in the second war, became in charge of the light forged
Turyalons and allerias son, he’s half elf and is displayed as a high elf, not a real human paladin
Not part of the silver hand, but a paladin for the alliance in the third war, he wasn’t really known till vanilla WoW as regent lord of stormwind due to varians disappearance, died at the wrath gate and became the next lich king till shadowlands
One of the first paladins of the silver hand, did everything for lorderaon and his king, died to his student Arthas and became a kyrian
The main founder of the Ashbringer, also the first paladins of the silver hand, found his Ashbringer shard (a naaru piece) from black rock spire and took it from a dead black rock warlock orc, he and his silver hand members purified that shard to become a weapon aka Ashbringer. Died in the third war by his son and was once part of the four horsemen in vanilla Naxxramas, now part of the Shadowlands in Maldraxxus
All of them because I pay attention to lore like religion
You chose wrong people to “prove a point”
That’s a fair point to make, however, I’d argue that if you put that armor on a blood elf, they’d outshine the human.
I agree. I think belf are far better looking than human.
Obviously, Tauren.
No doubt. I’m sure if Lady Liadrin was more fleshed out and they made more armor that conveyed their identity more in the same way Human Paladins were, then I might argue their armor would be better. But that’s the only reason I claim Human Paladins. They all look awesome.
You and I aren’t representative of the entirety of all WoW players and at the very least there is a fact to what I am saying.
More people would name more Human Paladins than Blood Elf off the top of their head. That is a fact.