Best looking race as paladin goes to

I don’t know, I’m asking you guys.

Human. They are the defacto Paladin. They are the most renown for Paladins and are the most iconic throughout WoW.


You can never go wrong with Dwarf.

Actually, when Dwarf is in the equation, every other choice is wrong.

Pick Dwarf.

ZT also works if you can’t play Alliance for whatever reason.


I have so many already.

Stance-wise: Zandalari.

Lore-wise: humans.

Transmog-wise: humans or blood elves.


Blood elf Blood Knights be like: :frowning_with_open_mouth:


Blood Elf seems like the obvious choice.

That’s just true for all classes though. Z Trolls have a great look.


Humans. All the others are fake paladins.


Gnomes. They look cute lighting up my yard.

We need gnome paladins!


You can wake up beside a Dwarven “woman” after having a few to many lager

I can name about 5 most iconic Human Paladins. How many iconic Blood Elf Paladins are there?

Lady Liadrin is maybe the only one I can think of.

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Yeah, Human Paladins also have that permanent stain of Arthas on their record. He ain’t the only blemish either.

Not sure what that has to do with the discussion. :person_shrugging:

Human female paladin is best paladin.


I like the lore of sunwalkers.

And Zandalari are pretty cool. I mean cmon their loa died and due to Blizz not thinking about it, the paladins still had their abilities just from sheer belief.

Gotta give this one to human. Dwarf is usually my default pick, but the clipping issues they have really wreck otherwise good pally mogs.

For Horde, none of them are good.


All of them except human.

Humans are too “generic”. And I have slain many of them.

Draenei (LF included) and Dwarves (DI included) paladins are eons ahead imo. Closely followed by Zandalari Troll.

Blood elf and Tauren are alright I suppose. Not my pick though.

On top of this Blood Elves and Humans could use an updated Charger model. (not counting the legion order hall mount)

Names that can be recognized don’t really have anything to do with what looks the best either. :man_shrugging:

Not trying to be a pain, sorry.

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Lightforged draenei. Unfortunate that their racial is so terrible :frowning:

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Man Dwarf sounds like a food group lol.