I can’t decide. Forsaken is an easy pick but my warlock is undead. Although with new non-bone showing options might be interesting. Doesn’t mean I can’t have two but wanted some opinions here. Have a belf mage already. Was toying with Nightborne but not sure I can stomach ‘headache’ male basic cast. Zandalari might be good, and belf always looks good. But, looking for advice on what people seem to like aesthetically.
Usually play male, also some advice regarding races looking good in Shadowform and fitting the theme is helpful too.
Height, hairstyles, accessories, glowing blue eyes but the main thing for me is the grey-blue or black-blue skin tones. The height is really nice too. Also I like the voice better when saying not enough mana etc
As usual, I will take this chance to remind people that Character Trial is a thing that exists. You can roll temporary 110 characters so you can see for yourself what a particular race and gender of character has in terms of animations, voice emotes, and mog options.
Don’t take our word for anything. Everyone has their own personal tastes. At best we can offer what we like. Go use the Character Trial to see for yourself what your top options would look like in play.
Also you can use the PTR for exactly the same purpose. You can copy over your character repeatedly until you are given the option for race change. That way you can freely race change several times to see what your exact character/transmog would look like as something else.
Thanks all for the tips. Right now leaning towards Zandalari maybe, though I do have a Zand DK in the making. I would make another Forsaken - but usually i try to make a class only one race, just for variety. As I said, I have an undead Warlock already. Just wondering if you guys have duplicate races across classes?
I guess if I made another Forsaken, i could keep my warlock bony and perhaps the priest then with full skin, looking nicer. hmmm… Honestly I’ll spend most of the time in Shadowform, but, might heal some dungeons also. Not usually a healer but want to branch out a bit.
I tend to gravitate toward draenei when making new characters, but I try to keep them different via horns, skin/hair color, etc. I like the idea, if you go undead, of using the visibility of bones as a means of differentiating between two characters.
You can also decide to let one cloth class stick with robe transmogs while another goes with a tunic plus pants. Shadowform obscures a lot of detail, but you can still tell the difference between a robe and tunic with pants. Some of the armor available to cloth classes still looks pretty tanky/plate-like. You could try to put together a transmog that splits the difference between a stereotypical robe wearing priest and a plate wearing paladin.
Thanks for the ideas Hasylla. I guess its kinda dumb to try to have one class/per race. As I said, I kinda only did it for variety. I do tend to like Belves and Undead the most, of Horde races. The contrast of pretty and nasty. I’m really going for nasty-looking for my Undead Warlock - love the new hair and darker skinned options - heres a pic of my guy on the beta!
Your warlock on beta immediately reminded me of the Forsaken warlock in the first cinematic for WoW. I think he fully looks the part of a scary, cross at the risk of one’s life and soul, warlock.
I don’t consider it dumb to try and have only one class per race. I’ve tried that mindset in WoW and other games. What typically becomes a roadblock for me is something about some of the races just doesn’t look right. It can be how armor looks on them, their animations, voices, whatever. Design and play what makes you happy!
I think undead priests look great but I personally never liked playing one. For horde, atm it’s nightborne for me. However they’re lacking now with all the new customizations.