Career Alliance player here, after I unlock bfa flying I am looking to roll Horde to experience things from their perspective. What race/class combo do you think best embodies the story of the Horde?
Orc Warrior
Honestly, anyone who doesn’t say Highmountain Tauren is wrong. Cool as those people may be, it does not make them right.
Class? Whatever makes your heart happy.
Orc Warrior/Hunter, Tauren Shaman/Druid, Forsaken Rogue/Priest, Troll Hunter/Priest, Blood Elf Hunter/Mage, Goblin Rogue/Warlock.
just play a Forsaken warlock and cackle as your glorious leader plagues the world
Mogo think no matter what you choose you need make sure do quests in Forsaken start zones. good area.
Troll Druid.
I would say either an Orc or Troll Shaman.
A shaman because they’re the OG Horde class. As for why orc and troll, well, first those two are like the humans and dwarves of the Horde - they’re the first guys who come to mind when one thinks Horde. Tauren and goblins, not so much. Also, an even bigger consideration is morals.
Despite having been a Horde race since Warcraft 3, tauren have always kind of been the “Token Good Teammate” of a faction that occasionally does some very nasty things, so playing as a tauren punting gnomes for funsies is going to feel “off” at times.
Goblins have the opposite problem - they can be a little TOO ruthless at times, what with their wanton destruction of the environment in the name of profit. Not to mention goblin shamans in general are just a bit of a weird concept.
By contrast, Orcs and Trolls embody a more moral middle ground. Oh sure, they’ll save the world and rescue Horde babies and all that other heroic stuff. Heck, they might be willing to cooperate with Alliance-types once in a while if they’re in a good mood and the wind’s blowing in the right direction. But when the situation calls for it, they’re also willing to get their hands dirty in the name of the Horde.
You can totally be a Goblin making a deal with Azeroth.
Also, while I’ll initially leave people alone in regards to WPVP, I have zero qualms about hopping in that group/raid to push back those feta smelling Alliance.
Point I’m trying to make here is you can totally RP any race with any type of personality/view. We’re not all flower pickers ova heeuh.
Tauren Druid is always cool. Plus we’re definitely getting some Tauren-centric content in the next patch. Siege of Orgrimmar 2: This Time It’s Thunderbluff.
definitely orc warrior
warriors are at a natural disadvantage because they have no access to magic according to the source you never linked or provided, this is bad advice Soljeron
I would say Orc hunter or Shaman.
if you used your common sense you wouldn’t need a source, but an orc warrior makes sense because the horde is at its roots a savage and primal, just like orcs
it has been two months, step it up stinky
I’ve been ducking spoilers for the most part on 8.2 while my sub is taking a brief lapse. Has this been confirmed or is it just off speculation from heavy-handed storytelling?
The latter.
Orc anything. Orc > all…except Yaungol. I’d strangle Santa’s favorite elf and wear Rudolph’s skin if Blizz would give us Yaungol.
When did Blizzard release the Necromancer class? Or did Nakhu switch to being a DK now?