Best Horde druid race?

going resto as a main spec then balance. i will be trying to do everything overall to a pretty good extent including RBG’s and Arenas. M+, raiding.

Troll - berserk is good for both specs however their snare ability is kind of mediocre in PvP imo plus zerk is obvious when casted in a pvp setting they could just CC and it’s gone.

Zandalari - fairly good the blessings are RNG. only PvP talent that is somewhat good is the regen which you must stand still to use and channel getting hit breaks this making it fairly useless in pvp and as a healer your almost always getting trained or cc’d.

Tauren - stomp is fairly good for M+ and PvP but other then that it has a meh… 2% healing done from brawn i believe and +1% crit?

HM tauren - not interested tbh. cool but to me they have the weakest racials.

idc for looks all i want is performance Overall in all game content. I usually PvE but in shadowlands i want to try and focus more on PvP as well. i see a lot of taurens in current pvp ladders but mostly trolls in M+ for obvious reasons. zandalari i see a few in both but vice versa i think i see 1 troll in PvP boards at a decent rating and some tauren druids in M+

According to world of wargraphs top 10 are Tauren but then it’s split pretty evenly between tauren and trolls.

So with that said, go Night Elf.


Tauren for M+ as well o.O" i see a lot in PvP but not many in M+. raiding idc all that much won’t be pushing hardcore mythic raids.

i am tempted to go back to alli tbh but im kinda meh about it right now. NELF is nice and good racials as well just the faction imbalance issue is what puts me off especially since i play on tich and last i seriously played it’s dead on Alli here for pve content.

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I’d just play what you want tbh, I know that isn’t the response you’re looking for but the only racial that is infinitely superior in every aspect of the game is meld on alliance side. Every other one pales in comparison and isn’t that big of a deal outside of cutting edge. I’d personally play tauren

The only Horde Druid i am skeptical about is Darkspear Troll

there is no wrong answers here

yea sadly thats why i like Nelf choice is so simple but with horde it’s like your either good at PvE content majorly or PvP content none seem super good at both though :confused:

Zandalar because dinosaur.

Make a druid only guild, name it jurrasic world.


At the end of the day… You will not be able to play the class at 100% efficiency. You will have miss-clicks, you will have bad keybindings. And you will not have “100% perfect playstyle”. Play what “TO YOU” looks aesthetically pleasing. You will have more enjoyment for the class and more overall enjoyment of the game as a whole.

I’ve been a tauren warrior main when it wasn’t optimized and when it was optimized. I really couldn’t care less if it was perfectly optimized or not. The bonus HP and the Warstomp has saved me more times then I can count. And being able to /moo with the other horde “hoovians” is just too priceless to pass up.

That said… if your looking to optimize your gaming continue reading.

  • Tauren
    best @pvp, and solid Mythic+ (warstomp)
    hp bonus (both pve and pvp) what does not kill you “does not kill you”
    crit damage bonus (resto and balance druids don’t really stack crit)
    Herbalism… “flower power”
  • HM Tauren "allied race"
    bonus mobility (questing/raiding/M+/pvp benefits) high skill cap
    hands down best mitigation tank (Vers+Dmg reduction)
    Mining… (working in a coal mine going down down down…)
  • Darkspear Troll
    Passive Health Regen - underlooked, kiting anything for more then 1 minute and you will be full HP
    Berserking - the most over powered burst racial in game - this buff is insane when used/timed correctly, you can even macro it to a defensive for that added “KA-BOOM-KIN” power in pvp. It gives (insane healing + insane damage output, in all specs, and for everything raw power related it is “THE BEST” choice)
    IMO -one of the best druid forms in game
  • Zandalari Troll "allied race"
    Embrace the Loa - has potential to be good, but can also be crap
    Regeneratin’ - Really good in world and instanced PVE, pretty crap in PVP unless used to “reset” outside of combat.
    City of Gold - Best raw gold farming class (boomkin farming god much?)
    IMO - one of the best druid forms in game

I would recommend playing through the legion expansion to obtain additional druid shape-shift forms, as they are usually far superior to all racial appearances. (Unless you roll any troll race) The “artifact appearance acquisition” takes you through approx +/- 100 hours of weekly time-gated content pending your efficiency, to obtain them all.

Racial Optimized Druid - Play a darkspear troll if you want to play Resto, Balance, and/or Feral. And you want to min/max. The damage/healing output with berserking more then makes up for the lack of warstomp.

However if you have any interest in actually playing a tank at high end content any time. Roll a Tauren. The benefits of warstomp in PVP and M+ are insane, i’ve been maining a tauren for the past decade and the aoe stun/disable/interupt is just too good.

HM Tauren - the charge is also good but its not “as good” as it requires perfect mob placement in M+, but you can make some amazing plays with it in pvp. But I would only recommend this for someone wanting to main a tank. Not someone wanting to “off-spec” tank.

Breakdown for optimization.
Balance Feral Resto (DPS+HEAL)- Troll “Darkspear”
Gaurdian (TANK) - Tauren “High Mountain”
Want to Play Everything? (ALL SPECS) - Tauren

At the end of the day… You will not be able to play the class at 100% efficiency. You will have miss-clicks, you will have bad keybindings. And you will not have “100% perfect playstyle”. Play what “TO YOU” looks aesthetically pleasing. You will have more enjoyment for the class and more overall enjoyment of the game as a whole.

I’ve been a tauren warrior main when it wasn’t optimized and when it was optimized. I really couldn’t care less if it was perfectly optimized or not. The bonus HP and the Warstomp has saved me more times then I can count. And being able to /moo with the other horde “hoovians” is just too priceless to pass up.


Tauren for guardian, Z.troll for everything else.

Taurens take up so much space i can never see the swirlies and other mechanics. Zandalars look cool and are much less annoying to play as.

I’ve tried to play a druid SO many times and just can’t get into it for some reason. I want to play a tauren or HM tauren, have one sitting at level 21 and just hasn’t moved. I don’t know what it is, but it’s my least favorite class to play. Part of it might be transforming into animals that aren’t all that exciting to me and taking away from the character I’m playing plus it’s transmog? I don’t know.

Maybe I’ll try again…someday. I love seeing other people’s druids though, transmogs are usually pretty cool.


But they aren’t playable for some reason even though they’ve been a part of the Horde since Wrath

You’re lucky if you get off even two ticks of the Zandalari racial. It’s hoy garbage imho. The appearances are obviously great though… If you’re raiding at all, you’ll want that bezerking.


I say if you’re picking strictly off of racials, pick Troll.

If not, I’d say Ztroll for their killer druid forms.


Wowhead Link - Druid Transmog “EDGE LORD”

In-Game Link - Druid Transmog “EDGE LORD”

/run local function f(i,b)DressUpItemLink(“item:”…i…“::::::::::256::1:”…(b or 0))end;f(114726,3709)f(111277)f(10224)f(28601)f(3427)f(65909)f(117352)f(28776)f(111142)f(28741)f(142417,3468)f(116368,3409)

The correct answer is HMT

If you go, when you get there tell them to let (OG) Humans be Druids, thanks.

yea that is why i roll resto specifically. i don’t tank, i dislike melee in WoW idk why as i’ve played melee in other games just fine. Balance idk i just dislike the playstyle i used to love balance druids back in the day though in cata i think

imma prolly run Tauren tbh. i have SO… many trolls because back in the days all the classes and specs i mained troll has the best racial plus i have multiple of the same classes from boosts all around that i ended up deleting so i can always just undelete um if i wanted to use badly.

haven’t mained a tauren at all something different

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Zandalari only, they look the best by a long margin. The difference between racials is marginal enough to overlook for those sweet forms.

If you want to have a huge advantage in mythic plus ; go nightelf ez as that.

And if you want a horde race ; doesnt matter in fact which one you chosse lol

The answer is, of course, Troll.

We now come in two sexy flavors: jungle voodoo lovin’ and dashing dino desire