Best healer unit frames 2020?

Hello, I used to use Grid and Quartz way back in the day but I assume things have changed since then. Is there a “best” healer unit frames addon nowadays? Is Grid still around for WoW Classic?

Also I liked Quartz for my cast bar, but is there a better option for Classic?

Thank you for the info!

Blizzard raid frame.


I still use Grid. The addon is called Grid2 now. I hear good things about Luna, VuhDo. Never tried those, Grid has everything I need.

Also Clique for mouseover shortcuts.

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I love vuhdo. Switched to it and never looked back.


Blizzard default is bis


Oh yeah. OP, Blizzard default is totally fine to use since it’s the much improved Legion version of the raid frames. I prefer an addon because I don’t like how large the Blizzard frames are.


I use the Blizzard default raid frames when I’m healing a dungeon group. I just click the “use raid frames” box, then put the array of rectangles next to my character. I can easily click on my next heal target and it shows things to dispel too.

But I’m not a custom-UI user. And I don’t heal raids. Maybe some people like something else.

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I use Elvui with mouseover macros. Works great and allows me to see whatever buffs and debuffs of my choosing.

i use healcomm with blizzard raid frames. take off the frame border and resize to your preference. make sure you have it all set before raid.

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Grid or Vuhdo.

I feel like the Blizzard frames are very bad for classic because they don’t show who has agro which is the single most important thing when decided who to heal. On top of that they have 0 customization or tracking so you will be at a disadvantage to someone with fully set up raid frames.

I was using Luna, then tried with elvui. Then I decided to try blizzard frames and I found out they are really good! You can use moveanything addon to move them around like organise the groups etc

This, but unironically. Use mouseover macros for all your friendly spells and it’s really the best you can get. Just don’t click and heal.

Oh, also healcomm. It works flawlessly with the stock ui and just shows other healers’ incoming heals

I get around this by targeting the boss with target of target on. Since I use MO macros to heal, I never have to target anything else.

Vuhdo if you want a full raid replacement.

Default UI, healcomm and clique also work well together.

Do they have a moveanything addon for Classic? I couldn’t find it before. Are you just using the retail version and if so, any problems?

About six months ago, there was an update to HealComm that made it impossible for Luna users to see incoming heals from people who were using the Blizzard frames. So we all switched to Luna. I’m completely unsure if this has been fixed but I thought i’d just throw it out there. I like Luna a lot.

I don’t like how vuhdo won’t take advantage of all my mouse buttons, so I’ll likely replace it for clique come TBC

Personally, I like Z-Perl and use Bartender’s built in mouseover casting / bar shifting instead of Clique. Guessing the other addons have this as well, but Z-Perl will show incoming heals from others, hot count, buffs / debuffs (if you want), who has aggro, dispellable stuff (which is less important since I use decursive as well), mana / rage / energy, and other stuff.
I do also have quartz, but don’t use it for this purpose. I mainly use that for my own casting bars + tracking enemy spell casting.

this, plus enable class colors and mouse over macros is literally all you need.

Vuhdo took me too long to set up options.
Blizzard frames never showed me Mind Control.
Grid is just right.
But they all suck at being easy to customize.

I like Z-Perl, and just use mouseover macros.

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