Best healer unit frames 2020?

base unit frames do not show what can be dispelled with freedom either. which is my only complaint.

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Healbot works great. I have used it for every tier.

i use vuhdoo in retail, by far my favorite

It does, You can assign any button to do something on a mousover, its on a different tab than the normal spells.

Mouses only have 5 usable buttons. But if you have 12 on yours and they are mapped to certain keyboard buttons, you just need to set that button to a spell. Its under “keys local”

I have prayer of healing bound to “2”, which is also on my keyboard and mouse. So when I’m not over the frames it casts whatever I have in that keybind on the spell bar, but over the frames it does prayer of healing.

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People who think stock frames are “best” for healers are one step above clickers. 100% of stock UI healers who aren’t complete garbage have additional addons that compensate for the inadequacies of the stock UI.

Grid2 is a decent re-write if Grid is what you’re used to. VuhDo ain’t bad either from what I’ve seen.

Target of Target only works as an aggro indicator replacement if there is only one mob. The moment you are in combat with more than 1 mob, ToT fails to show you who all has aggro.

Example: You’re in BWL and pulling trash packs. You’ve got 3 tanks running around picking things up, but one of the dps gets aggro on a mob. You’re using a stock UI, so you won’t realize that that rando dps has aggro until their healthbar starts dropping. I, on the other hand, see their aggro indicator and immediately toss a PW:S on them and a flash heal.

Stock UI healers can be good healers. But they’d be even better healers if they invested the time in configuring good replacement raid frames and getting used to using them.

Takes a while to set up but once you’re good, that’s it. Been using it for years and still have barely touched the surface on what it can offer.

Vuhdo can’t get enough praise really. Used it for years. Once you know how you want it, it only takes a few minutes to set up. First time takes like an hour and is annoying but it’s worth it and the same can be said for a lot of add-ons.

I used Grid + clique like 8 years ago but Vuhdo was a step up. Was scary when the developer was dropping it, but it got picked up and hopefully continues for a long time.

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i tested healcomm as of december of 2019 it shows incoming heals on any addon that does the same

Umm I’m think I’m using the retail version yes. I had some troubles rearranging the raid frames but at the end I did it successfully and so far it’s all good

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I also found Luna helpful when you check show incoming heals. Any healing frame that doesn’t show incoming heals is poop.

For my holy paladin I use mouseover macros on the blizzard raid frames with healcom to see incoming heals and bigdebuffs to see more buffs on the raid frames.