If I really want to make good gold when Dragon flight comes out what do I need to do when it comes to professions >?
I heard that hanging out in Goldshire on Moonguard could net you a few. j/k I have no clue but would like to know also.
Fastest way to make gold is as follows:
- Swipe your credit card
- Sell M+/Raid boosts
- Play the AH if you have the capital/knowledge (you can make more than any whale if you know what you’re doing) - Not a great method because the majority have no idea myself included.
- The best profession to make gold
- ERP? You might make more gold this way than any other profession.
i’ll make my gold as mining/blacksmithing. i always make my gold as mining/blacksmithing.
I make gold from boosts because I’m seriously bad and impatient at gold making. Mining/Blacksmithing requires way too many brain cells for a pleb like me.
Grind your io up and get KSM asap then sell runs for as long as you can, usually make enough gold to keep me going for the entire xpac.
just like always.
inscription will be a big gold maker for the first few months then have a sudden dropoff
just like always.
EDIT: also fishing and cooking are also good.
EDIT2: there’s also a good chance the profession rework could throw a wrench into what has historically been profitable, I really haven’t looked into it.
gold making is not a destination…
~Someone with wow payed until 2024, the AH mount and 7.4mil gold.
I honestly don’t know how people have the patience and knowledge to make gold the legit way. I’ve been playing since Wotlk and have struggled making money since day 1 That being said I have never gotten a profession to max level before currently I’m running engineering for the brez & level 1 alchemy for the 2H flask buff.
I do my 8 weekly M+ and get about 400k-600k and just repeat that process for maybe a month or 2 at the start of every season.
I’m a cheap date, so I don’t mind making 4k to 5k a day with mining and skinning. If I make more, that’s great, but I rarely spend more than 4k a week, if even that. It builds up. I use Accountant to make sure I’m spending less than I’m making. I just wish it showed me a line chart with my progress over time.
I hear people talk about making hundreds of thousands or even millions per week but I don’t know how they do it without RMT.
Some people I know that play the AH make a stupid amount of gold but they have invested time and effort to learn the market etc which is something I’m unwilling/unable to do. Most of these guys just sit at the AH all day monitoring it
it happens on its own while you play the game.
right now, for example, i’m fishing… mining… checking out trade goods for cooking and farming some…
that’s my “playing the game” in a period of slowdown like now. Come Monday, i’ll train blacksmithing and mining and fishing and stuff but I will turn fish tracking off and only mine what’s convenient.
then at level cap I will catch them up while waiting in queues and stuff.
you make money when you are not gaining power. you gain power when you don’t make money. both are progress.
Yep, I must of missed the part where making money is also a part of playing the game.
Tbh making gold just doesn’t interest me and I’m also very lazy so its sorta on me.
I usually gain power until its capped then just do nothing for the rest of the xpac lol
I would agree that your Credit card is the best way but other than that the usual suspect of herbalism and alche will dominate.
BS/LW/ tailoring would probably be great in the first 2 weeks but will fall greatly after that .
Don’t expects to compete with mass botting and multiboxers with gathering professions as by the time Blizzard gets to them they would ahve saturated the market and this is supported by High end players because they want cheaper consumables.
I like playing the AH, but I don’t have the patience to play stockbroker. I don’t even use add-ons for the auction house anymore. I just throw stacks up for whatever they’re selling at unless something really stands out to me as being severely underpriced. Then I buy whatever’s underpriced and throw it on the AH for what I think is a fair value.
My issue with that is often bank space. I don’t have the space to hold onto tens of thousands of items, usually.
You can make a decent chunk of gold by just chucking everything onto the AH, that’s what I did for a while but that’s as far as I’d go when I interact with the AH other than buying things i need.
The guys that are making hundreds of thousand/millions of gold are the guys that play the game to make gold (this isn’t always the case). The few people that I know that have made millions of gold playing the AH don’t even engage in PvE/PvP they literally just sit there all day at the AH.
For the average player using the AH to make money is not the most ideal way to make gold.
When I played EVE Online I knew of corporations that did that. They never left the stations, just sat there at the market all day. I couldn’t do that. I find a combo of quests, mining, skinning, fishing, and the occasional solo run through an instance to be what makes me happy.
I came back from an 18-month hiatus a few months ago, and had about 150k then. Now I’m at about 650k. I would eventually like to get a Longboy from the black market, though it’ll be a while and a stroke of luck if I can get one. Other than that, I don’t really see anything in-game that I want to save up for. Once I get my Longboy and work my back up to a few million, I’ll probably end up doing “charity games” for players in need (not those who ask me out of the blue).
The cardinal rule of making gold is that you never share your methods.
That withstanding, conventional wisdom is that the more of it people need, the more valuable it becomes. People are always needing more potions and enchants, and as a result, herbalism, alchemy and enchanting tend to be the most reliable methods. There’s no strictly worst crafting profession either. Also wouldn’t underestimate plain old fishing.
Truthfully, the best gold making methods usually rely on niches or a willingness to engage in repetitive behavior. If you still have the classic era thorium recipes they pulled from the game, you can make decent gold off those. Running old content can net you obscure, but unique BOE items. Those can command a pretty penny.
I think people are more inclined to share their methods these days since gold is easier to make. There was a time when it helped to have a “secret method,” because if too many people did what you were doing, you’d end up with too much competition. These days, it’s so easy to make gold that sharing your method isn’t really going to put yourself out of any particular market unless it’s really something very niche.
Step 1 - Complete the whole questline upto patch .
Step 2 - Level 8 more toons
Step 3 - Log every third day for Emissry on all
And there u go