Best gear for mage tower? (Ilvl 50)

When you enter a leveling dungeon in Chromie time party sync with a partner who is 45, your gear drops at the max level of the dungeon (36 for bc), and your partner’s gear drops at 50. They trade you the gear when the piece you need drops.

By forming a party where the other four players are level 45’s who are eligible for that item you want to drop, you can force it to drop faster.

I helped a level 60 get timewalking gear this way on a 45 of mine (the low levels should be xp off for the duration of the project), then did it for character of my own, who I can’t link to because the armory seems to be down.

The maximum sockets are found in BC dungeons. Most gear slots in wrath dungeons are available, but there are fewer slots per piece. Rings, necks, and cloaks with sockets are not available in leveling dungeons, except for BfA, when sockets are rare drops, that can take many dungeons to drop.

Start with items with perfect stats, or as close as you can get. If you choose to go with crafted PvP or Pandaria raid gear, you should be using gear with the right stats. Trading off good stats for gear with sockets is lame.

You will need some shadowlands consumables.

Your artifact weapon is ilvl 50 with two ilvl 50 relics in it. For specs where the artifact is one unit but designed as main and offhand/shield, you can independently enchant and use weapon oil on both hands.

You can buy +3 main stat Gems from the PVP vendors in Org/SW with Badges of Honor.

The Pod trinket from Nithendra is probably still the goto. Big AoE.

+3 main stat gems are readily available crafted by a BC jewelcrafter. The raw gems drop off trash at the front end of Sunwell, so you can probably trade gems for a tip.

And the trinket that drops off Iskar in Hellfire Citadel. Both of these can pop a socket. Also, Mydas Talisman can have a socket in Atal’dazar.

I can’t speak to this as I haven’t done the new MT on bear, only the old one. I did it on blood dk, which I found to be the hardest out of the 7 I did for the mount.

That is entirely subjective. And I feel pretty comfortable saying the bear challenge is NOT easy for the vast majority of players.

Saying it’s really not hard comes off as elitist and condescending.

Not saying it wasn’t easy for you, just try to have a little perspective.

Current Blood is in fact one of the hardest tank challenges. Blood doesn’t have many tools to deal with the ghosts, but the ghosts don’t have removed mechanics like they do for other Tanks that don’t also have tools. Prot Paladin for instance don’t get the ghost AoE. Blood does.

Compared to the other tanks, I’d say Bear is on the easy side. Vengeance being the easiest.

There’s nothing elitist about that. It’s merely a tier ranking. I’ve tried the new MT on every tank class a few attempts at least. I’ve completed it on Bear, Vengeance, Brewmaster and Prot Paladin. I feel quite confident I can rank them by difficulty.

It makes it sound like he did it before they nerfed all the cheese stuff that the elites who completed it in the first few days were able to take advantage of. It was one of the harder ones during Legion, and he’s the only one who is trying to claim it’s easier now.

If you’re saying compared to the other tanks, yes you are right.

I read it as the challenge is not that hard in general, which clearly it is a difficult challenge for most people.

If I misread, then my apologies.

Nope. I was doing Mage Towers until the very last day of the content before it went permanent.

Bear during Legion was one of the easiest. Luffa + the affinity with increased melee range.

Prot Paladin on release in Legion was the hardest by far. Lazel, the best in the world at the time, got it by the skin of his teeth (a lucky wall saved him) :

Compared to Havoc Demon Hunter, it’s easier. Compared to Fury Warrior with double Crusader enchants, it’s harder.

But for sure : it’s not a triple digit puller unless you’ve literally never tanked. In which case my previous advice stands : do it on Vengeance first.


Bear took me several hundred attempts and I don’t want to toot my horn too much but I’m pretty good. 15 pulls sounds sketchy unless you had giga optimized gear, punch card, etc

Current MT ?

What ?

I smashed it pretty quickly. I spent the brunt of my efforts doing on Prot Paladin, did Vengeance second, and then by the time I was doing Bear, it was so much easier because you can save Orbs thanks to Incap Roar on P1 ghosts and you take almost no stacks because of Balance Affinity DPS.

To be fair I didn’t start boomkin weaving until at least 100 pulls in. I was getting near-kill pulls without boomkin weaving so I kept pushing it.

VDH and Prot were easy. VDH was like 7 pulls and Prot was like 14.

Ah yeah, wanting to do it the “clean way” usually does that.

Also I feel the first class you do it on will take more pulls usually, because you’re learning the encounter at the same time (let’s face it, muscle memory from 2017-2018 was long gone for most people). Once you know the encounter, it’s just adapting it to the class you’re doing it on, thus reduces the number of pulls considerably.

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It does at first glance I agree. You just click on your class then at the very top of the next page you will see options including mage tower. You just click that then you get lists of all the BiS items. If all that is too much then my previous comment is still a good rule of thumb. But I do think it’s worth taking the extra time to collect ilvl 50 gear (even with no gems) with the enchants and consumables in the guide, they make the biggest difference by far.

You actually want to stay away from SL consumables. For food use BFA boralus blood sausage, BFA flasks, and BFA potion of unbridled fury. The only consumable you should be using from SL is maybe runes and drums.

Legion trinkets are amazing. If you are doing the fight against Agatha and all her demons you can even use the heirloom trink infallible tracking charm if you have it. There’s also the ghost iron dragonling from MoP that you can craft at ilvl 50, it’s good and comes with 3 gem slots.

What do you mean by this? I thought chromie time was just a mechanic for leveling, she doesn’t have her own expansion. Where do you get gear from after entering chromie time? I’m confused.

Basically, if you have a lvl 44 or 45 friend/alt who is in Chromie Time, all gear from normal dungeons will scale to ilvl 50. Then you run those dungeons with the character you want to gear + lvl 44/45 character, the 44/45 character loots the gear and trades it to your main.

But as I said, this is the most time consuning way to gear. You can do the challenges just fine with SoO gear/PvP gear/any other ilvl 50 gear, unless you really wanna minmax it.

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Ok! So I’m guessing then. You want to find purple gem gear correct? Im asking because I have a lvl 45 friend willing to help me out so im trying to get all the deets. What’s the best dungeons to run for this as well?

Go to the Timewalking Discord server. There you can find spreadsheets for all the specific gear pieces for every class.

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Copy. Thank you. I’ll try the first method after trying to get some bis today. And see how it goes.

Bear used to be one of the easiest in legion, now phase one is much harder and phase two is bit easier. Though if they don’t tweak it to balance with upcoming talent tree changes in DF, its gonna get much easier.