Best Druid Leveling Spec?

Feral feels super duper bad. It feels like you’re waiting around for an eternity for Energy to regain.

I see boomies blowing stuff up but they’re probably geared from classic.

Any advice on solo questing spec, rotation?

Your experience will probably be better with moonkin.

If you don’t mind drinking like a fish moonkin

I got feral to 40.
Zero downtime + perma speed buff.

You only use mana for self healing.
Ferals in TBC are also great, as more pieces of gear give AP and weapons get special attack power bonus to shapeshifts.

Being feral you are also tank just with 1 click of a button.
Being boomie you are an oom’ie. :slight_smile:

But in TBCC, once you reach there, from what I’ve seen, healing is a joke.

/cast !cat form

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Feral bear is the way to go. The talent setup for it doesn’t detract much from being a cat and doesn’t really hurt the solo ability of a cat much if that’s your thing. However as a bear I just go in, pull three enemies and spam maul on main target while swiping with extra rage until everything dies. Pop out, rejuv, bear form for the next pull. I can do this for about 4 to 5 pulls before I OOM. I eat and drink, rebuff thorns and do it again. I feel I complete quests faster that way than I do in cat.

Feral is the optimal spec for leveling as a Druid.

You will be able to fulfill the role of both DPS and Tank. This makes it super easy to find groups, as tanks are extremely sought.

Boomies have slightly worse downtime than Feral druids because of mana issues. A properly geared and talented Feral will be more effective at killing mobs compared to a properly geared and talented boomkin.

I found that the zero downtime was a bit of a myth… Anything that poisoned or cursed you encourages you to change form to get rid of it and maybe heal. Zones that had a lot of those types of mobs caused a bit more downtime than I expected.

I’m leveling a warrior on the side, and he seems to have less downtime than my druid did.

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idk man. I got level 40 druid I am leveling as feral. I sat down to drink maybe once or twice in a few hour gaming session. Reju+Regrowth before pull, HOTS last throughout the fight, and 2-3 pulls later, you mana is back to 100% and you just keep going.

Just my experience.

That was mine a lot of times, too. Again… Things that cursed or poisoned me are what slowed me down a lot. Various undead, rogues, venomous creatures and slimes… All sucked.

Feral. The talents for bear/cat overlap enough that you can do both. You have healing, you can decurse or remove your own poison. It only takes a second. And yes, you will be waiting on energy regen. Especially if you open every fight trying to see how fast you can blow through it. Pause a bit. Let your white damage do some work (it procs to let you get free ability use now and then).

Everything has downtime to some degree. “No downtime” doesn’t mean you never stop. You’ll have to remove things, and after some tough fights (including individual mobs) where you have to use a lot of stuff, yeah, you’ll have to rest. You’ll be up and going again faster than most though.

If it’s the energy you’re waiting on all the time, that’s partially a pacing issue. You’d have the same problem with a rogue or a warrior/bear blowing through rage.

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Feral just feels super weak. I thought it was buffed in TBC but it feels just like classic. When I fight them on my Main (Rogue) i just murder em but i thought that was just because most of the druids on our server are pve

i’ve been liking Moonkin a lot
the OOM thing is only in dungeons, if you’re soloing you never need to drink. U can just innervate yourself when oom, which happens around every 6 or 7 mins
the armour + melee mana regen is actually pretty crazy

starfire + ur 2 dots and 2-3 melee hits and mob is dead

Great dungeon healer too
suggest imp thorns, does 10-15% of tanks’ damage in dungeon runs

Feral is awesome at leveling. Remember to go bear a lot and use frenzied regenerationits crazy a feral druids survivability

I don’t know what the problem could be. I often open on a mob (not even from stealth with an ambush) and it’s already at 50-70% health. Been that way for a long time. Now, I will have occasions where the screen just fills with crits and I annihilate a target then it seems like my cat orgot how to use its claws on the next target.

What level is your druid, and how does your gear look? What stats are you focusing on?

i see you havent met my friend Dark Pact yet.

wasted a lot of gold to try different builds and i ended up leveling as feral since it is much better than anything else imo. moonkin is ok but i found i ran out of mana way to fast (i am not nax geared) so lots of down time. resto is absolutely miserable to level up as solo so feral won out.

lol. I have. But, everybody stops once in a while. Some waaaaaaay less than others lol.

look op, guy/girl, ask any druid, any real druid, it doesnt matter if you win by an inch or a mile, winning is winning.

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