Best designed spec

So far I’m enjoying ret the best but just pure fun wise. I’m surprised how much I’m liking frost mage - again my rating is just on fun I’ve got no clue how either performs competitive content like high keys or mythic raids.

Kinda digging shadow priest and demo lock but neither of mine are 80 so can’t fully say if the hero talents are good.

All I can say is its not ele.

Maybe the finished rework will help.

Lol i love my enhance but like. Needing 4 different weakauras to properly play a spec doesnt strike me as well designed.

Dark age of Camelot:
Support classes were able to group support and solo (more challenging)
and be varied by having a dependance on “how far you put points into each area would limit available skills”.
3 realms
one set of buffing classes…buffs were songs
Bard - speed buffs, health,stam etc buffs, major/minor heals, some weapon skills
Minstrel - speed buffs, a few other buffs, pet charm or stealth, some weapon skills
Skald - speed buffs, weapon skills, health, stam buffs,
Had many other classes too, tanks, dps,heals, support and all could solo to varying degrees of challenge.
Good game…Wow killed it.

Yeah, I remember other MMOs like EQ having stuff like that. I was really young when I played it back in the day and had no idea what I was actually doing most of the time, but at some point someone walked me through bard, which iirc made me a mana battery anytime we did leveling parties.

There was buffing and debuffing bits as well, but having a class that focused on support instead of just restoring health was a fun little role to play.

Back when I played GW2, boon builds were always really fun for me. Loved Chronomancer in that game. Aug taps into that a little for me.

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I completely agree. I just leveled my DH and I want to burn those hero talents to the ground.

Best: Deathbringer as Frost and Blood Death knight.
Worst: Totemic Enhancement, Aldrachi Havoc, Trickster Outlaw and Pack Leader.

I like to play Enhancement but Totemic is the worst hero talent. Totemic is revolving around a stationary ground effect and it doesn’t fit to the modern WoW game design. If you don’t see how bad Totemic is, you should try it on Queen Anseruk and you will realised that it’s really unplayable very fast.

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i’m absolutely biased but hpal and ele shaman are both 10/10 specs.

Blizzard did an incredible job on all of the specs. Every spec I’ve played has been incredibly fun. However, I am a little torn by how difficult some of them are. I would like to see a few specs that didn’t rely so heavily on procs. You can’t just sit there and press buttons as they light up or copy Hekili to play them. On one hand, I like the idea that skill makes a real DPS difference. On the other, it’s nearly impossible to learn the ins and outs of 39 different specs (even more counting hero talents) if you like to play alts.

I’m extremely impressed that Blizzard was able to pull this off. Best class designs I’ve ever seen in game.

Priest is pretty ehhh.

Oracle is probably the coolest imo, I’d be playing that if there was a glyph to disable to constant glowy eyes effect and Archon is w/e, Halo bouncing in and out could’ve been an upgrade node in the general tree instead of taking up a spot.

Loving Colossus Warrior as Arms tho, feels very solid.

all hunter specs sucks ,and i dont even play BM lol

i love the Diablist pets it looks cool as hell , the amount of pew pew

Hammer of Light is the exact opposite of smooth. Herald of the Sun is smooth.

My rotation has been great with Templar and my dps in what I’m doing has been fantastic. No downtime with it, just seems to work well for me.

Hammer of Light triggers a 1.5s cd, which is driving ppl insane.

Dunno. I haven’t run into an issue with it. My rotation seems fine. :dracthyr_shrug:

are you sure about that? I think about 99% of the havoc community would disagree with you there, lol. Fel-scarred isn’t even a great tree, it’s clunky and has numerous issues of it’s own and imo is just less fun than df s3/4 DH, but it’s still orders of magnitude better than aldrachi. This is also purely on the hero talents, as there were zero design changes to the class or spec tree in all of alpha, beta, or even 11.0.5 for havoc.

marksman hunter in WOD before the class fantansy changes was quite fun.

legion assassination was quite fun as well, no annoying ambush or slice n dice

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I heard that this was the case with SV Hunter as well.

I haven’t played either of those at even a dungeon level, so I’m sorry if I overlooked them.

Preach my Forsaken sister! Preach!!!

Diabolist Lock. Herald Ret. Fun fun fun.

Everything else is “eh”. Come see come saw.