Best covenant for Warrior

Venthyr has a great ST ability but their teleport is kinda useless.

Kyrian have a good aoe ability and a great survivability ability.

Night Fae has a good aoe ability and a movement ability.

Necrolords on alt for transmog.

I am Necrolord fury warrior. This is my main. I am a walking meme

Kyrian is the best overall. Okay for DPS, but mainly useful in PvP and for tanking.

If your focus is DPS, Venthyr is the way to go, but it offers no survival benefits whatsoever.

Night Fae is also a viable alternative to Kyrian. Afaik, they’re both good, but the Night Fae ability is just a little more restrictive.

Necrolord, however, is terrible.

Venthyr for DPS by a huge margin, and Kyrian for tanking by a huge margin.

DO NOT do Necrolord. You’re basically taking arguably the worst overall class in the game and flushing it down the toilet if you do it.

I wonder if blizzard is going to pull a fast one and buff necro lord warrior through the roof because everyone says how crappy it is

I’m a Tanking Prot Warrior that joined Nightfae and it’s an excellent covenant for Tanking. I use Soulshape in so many raid encounters (Shriek, Artificer, Sire, Sludge) it’s not even funny. I honestly don’t know what I’ll do when it’s gone and Wildseed essentially is free battle rez that has gotten me back on my feet during multiple intense encounters.

Also Ancient Aftershock an excellent rage builder and an instant aggro grabber on multiple mobs as well.

If you’re going DPS however then I would consider going Venthyr for Condemn. Kyrian is a good option as well.

considering they delayed the expansion so there was no “best” choice and clearly not night fae for most of the specs so choose who you want I mean thats what they intended no?

obviously /s

If you’re going to pick the worst spec, at least don’t pick the worst Covenant.

That way you won’t be totally unable to perform.

Maybe OP has decided already, but adding to the discussions, in Torghast, if you are Kyrian, you can get fun anima powers involving the Steward, i.e. healing/buffing the group and speed boost for the group.

So, taking everyone’s advice for the most part, I started working on Arms (which is really good) and went with Venthyr. I don’t plan on tanking enough to justify the covenant choices of Kyrian or Night Fae, and it seems that Necrolords are unanimously terrible. Thanks again to everyone who chimed in!