Best covenant for Warrior

I’m mostly concerned with solo play. I know really any of them are applicable but I’m debating on Necrolord or Venthyr for survivability in questing/Torghast. Is the Necrolord extra health when needed better than Venthyr’s more regular damage reduction?

Go Necrolord.

Do it.

Be a rebel.


Necrolord warrior is worst combination in the game.

Go venthr and condemn


Venthyr if DPS

Kyrian if Tank


I am assuming this is your only warrior. Go Venthyr. For an alt warrior go Necro for fun until they buff it.

Best are as follows to my knowlege
Venthyr / bastion
Night fae


Im not 100% sure on DPS if bastion or venthyr is best. but out of all of them necro lords is far down the list.

For tanking, Bastion and night fae are pretty much par the course on one another. Its really about which utility do you want? a lock down ability? or a quick stun interrupt and anty cast zone (Also pod tender is really clutch)
With necrolord and venthyr being the hot poop for prot warrior.

If you are looking for one that is best for both? Bastion with night fae a close second, if you are dipping into both DPS and tanking.


If you survivability you want Kyrian… the Phial heals 55% of your health with conduits and Spear ability is one of the most powerful control abilities in the game

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Please don’t go Necrolord. I wasted time trying to make it work and it’s just so unfun and terrible. 3 MINUTE CD. Go ANY other covenant and save yourself the pain.

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Necrolord is definitely not a great choice, but it isn’t horrible. I have been able to do solo things pretty fine as one myself. In the end I am pretty happy with choosing them.

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Arms Warrior.

Venthyr - Single Target
Night Fae - AoE
Kyrian - PvP
Necrolord - LOL

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I definitely enjoyed the overall experience in Maldraxxus best and want to pick there but most everything/everyone says it’s not worth it. I’m mostly doing Fury so I was hoping the extra 20% health from the Banner would be handy.

Well Fury isnt worth it either lol

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No, its pretty horrible for every warrior spec, every other one vastly out paces it.

But to OPs point, here is the real thing, Pic the one you think is the coolest and you enjoy their MO the most. It makes logging into the game and doing your covenent stuff meaningful.

Trust me, you will thank me, because having the best min max ability does not mean anything, if logging in is boring and covenant activities are just a chore to you.

If you want to be a banner slave play GW2. For fury I’d go Kyrian for the spear but if you are mainly solo play just do what you like.

Ouch, yeah as fury you are not setting yourself up good there.
You probably would have a lot more fun with venthyr tbh. Condem is a really fun ability.

Is Arms THAT much better than Fury?

Since Condemn replaces an ability, it actually simplifies the rotation and de-clutters your bars a bit.

So there’s that.

Yes. Fury got an across the board 5% buff previously and still bottom of the barrel. We shall see what the 9% does.

Its only 8% but yeah still.

But to answer this.

Yes…yes it is. The only thing fury has on it is, fury is a bit more forgiving on survivability, where fury is a reactive defensives for survivability, arms is a proactive defensives for survivability.

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There are many anima powers that synergise very well with condemn. I have no problem clearing torghast solo on my warrior.