Best covenant for Warrior

No there are not lol.
There is 1 power that synergizes with condemn. And that one power makes it the most broken ability in torghast.

Which ability is it, or what does it do?

I dont recall the exact name, but the power increases the damage of execute (condem) by 100% and after 30 uses of execute (condem) it can be used on targets at any health %.

Wow, alright. Thanks for all the info, I really appreciate it!

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Only necrolords

Solo play a bith of both pvp/pve worlds? Night fae.
PvP/tank? Kyrian
PvE dps? Venthyr
Necrolord? useless convenant till they buff the skill.

Fury’s trash damage in dungeons is actually pretty good as long as you’re not necro, and with the buff on tuesday it’ll be even better. Our single target sucks though.

There’s also the condemn knock back power and the one that increases condemn’s damage and damage reduction by 25% that is stackable.

EH, there are so many knock backs in that place i personally dont consider that really that synergistic, just because, there are a bunch of other things that knock back and or interrupt. But still, fair i guess.

Fury is actually one of the higher performing specs in M+ surprisingly enough. Just requires a substantial amount of gear to compete, but it’s currently in the A tier vs Arms in the B tier.

Fury single target is awful though, agreed.

I did a twisting corridor level 2 the other and was doing 250k+ condemn crits on my arms warrior, and if you get the anger management talent power you can spam condemns non stop, it’s insane.

I’ve personally enjoyed kyrian with my fury baby. Spear keeps things nice and locked down right where I want them…

And I’ll teach these angels how to really fight~

OH yeah, dont get me wrong, Venthyr arms is the way to go for torghast, if not venthyr, you can troll it as fury super easy as well, I just did 4 TC with out much of a problem.

Really digging Venthyr atm on mine. Kyrian is the meta though as far as I can tell.

If you’re playing strictly solo and don’t plan on stepping into content with other people, pick whatever you want.

If you plan on doing anything that requires other people to rely on you in any capacity, swap to arms and go venthyr or kyrian.

Venthyr or Kyrian. Venthyr is by far best for raw damage, while Kyrian is extremely useful for keeping mobs grouped while tanking, and in PvP for making that annoying dickbag monk have a panic attack trying every bit of no effort mobility he’s got to get away

Venthyr in Torghast! Lots of fun in dungeons too with the massive aoe. OMG! Condem is the way! Walked through First layer of Corridors a week after hitting 60.

Unfortunately it seems I won’t be going Necrolord lol. Love the covenant but it seems their class ability just doesn’t cut it for, well, anything apparently. Thanks everyone, the feedback was very helpful.

As necro we got a flag at our back. Cool, right?

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Go Venthyr- Damage is king