Best Community Leaders and Players? ....and go!

your home turf? you mean hiding behind a bunch of randoms using target marcos? stay mad bud

Suspended till the 18th. The ashran 500 kill quest farm continues then!!!

Is that the ones we did the bg against ? Yeah I hadn’t played those maps much …it was cool but yeah different

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Not mad at all. :wink:

Honestly they take as much planning as a straw poll and the leads agreeing on a date. Idk if war game gear works anymore tho or if the challenge system works either. I haven’t used it since like wod. The practice beforehand is the big time eater. I think internally it might take time to get ready. But like it’s peak wow pvp and id trade the tens of thousands of honor i’m not going to use anyway for some more of that.

We have to remind folks every night, it’s a chore. That’s why we don’t do rbgs, it’s like herding cats. Then only 4 ppl show up. That’s why epics are popular. You can do them as you have free time and if you have to log, your team doesn’t suffer as bad as they would in a wargame or rbg.

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it was the fairest way to do it you can’t say it wasn’t home turn wargames are no different than epics besides there not being cannon fodder for yall to hide behind.

Random bgs are your turf, epics are ours.


Oh no sorry. Legion was the best expansion for pvp in all of wow. They normalized stats so people were actually on a somewhat even playing field. Battle for azeroth killed wow. People were leaving in legion because they didn’t want to play BFA. I know at least 2 people that quit permanently because they “permanently” removed the mage tower and other similar decisions.


there not “our turf” and epics aren’t “your turf” you are just looking for any excuse like always smh

Yeah it is night and day imo …tactically and player wise…reg bgs have solo artists and that wins but epic bgs take people who are willing to sit around doing nothing for the team as well as monitoring the forward pushes. it really is night and day.


if you really think taking an exploit group against a bunch of randoms is hard you need to step back and rethink your life and def stop claiming yall are good…

I heard even several times this week legion killed pvp …i suppose it’s like anything else perspectives and likes etc

Bro people just want to play an mmo with their friends. Imagine if you were only allowed to make a group of 5 people to do a 25 man raid, then you needed to lfr normal-mythic, then you needed to quesync your 4 other parties. Now imagine you get into different raids. One is on mythic raz and every single pug insists the laser heals you, and the other got into molten core somehow. You clear it in 6 1/2 minutes, but now you have to wait until the end of the night or possibly even next week to attempt to group again. Blizzard doesn’t have rated epics. Blizzard doesn’t allow solos - 40 man groups to que into rated epics. So the result is everyone is in casual. They don’t even have a hidden ranking either to make it a bit more fair. When blizzard makes the decision to mechanically separate the people that want a high octane slaughterfest and the person who just started wow pvp for the first time, then it will happen.


Thanks coquette! SPM is full of the best most chill people and it’s been a great time leading it over the years!


Yes for Crom ! Mirzriz ! you bring fun to the board and we love you for it <3 ! you are the only one i know leading in Alliance and for that you have my utmost respect and my steel. Keep doing it brother never quit never surrender ! For Crom !


Glory for Crom and glory for Stormpike


Glory for Stormpike !!

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When you play on the same night as SPM, do y’all try to coordinate queues to get into the same AV and fight against each other?

We just q as normal. We play whoever we get, Golden Girls, SPM, whoever.

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