Best class to level without dying?

What do you think the best class is to get to 60 without dying while PvP flag is toggled on hardcore?

Is a personal challenge I’m thinking of doing and leaning towards Druid since they are hard to cc, tanky and slippery.


I would probably say druid but it’ll always be spooky, especially when you have to facetank things to dps them, other idea is paladin


I’d have to lean towards druid myself. Pull too much? Bear form. Need to get somewhere unseen? Cat form + stealth. You have heals, innervate. Druid is the complete package. And let’s not forget mutated walrus form.


yes druid is best. you need ways to escape, and lots of em :expressionless:

a sub rogue might be good too

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Priest, Warlock, Paladin or Druid. In that order in terms of survivability.

Honorable mentions to Mage, Hunter and Rogue. Again in that order.


It would be shaman except that totem you left up aggro’d a patrol awww

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You’ll never die unless you mess up bad.

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people saying “priest” didn’t fully read the OP :expressionless:

I ignored the pvp part since it sounds silly on a hardcore server.


My adorably cute rat seal thank you very much.


I would say rogue or priest, possibly a druid.

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Hardcore mode isn’t just a server experience, there are addons, it originally started as a self selected game mode, not a bliz feature. Some people set their own goals ya know?

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Non-Druids severely overestimate the defensive power of bear form before 40.

is go squish cuz swipe R the suxx

Hunters have their own tank and the single best ‘get out of jail free’ ability on a 30-second cooldown after Level 30.

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Paladin for sure.

Druid dies very easily early on. They do no damage and are squishy.

The only class i’ve leveled that feels as squishy as druid is rogue. Probably because they both use leather.

Mage never gets hit.

Lock is even tankier than druid.

A single target mage with deep frost spec is probably the safest. You can even talent into frostbite to randomly freeze mobs. No one plays mage like this really though.

I’ll admit that is the first time I’ve seen it referred to that way. I’ve definitely seen some other, more unsavory (depending on your sense of humor of course) descriptions. I remember when they updated the various druid forms back in original Wrath wasn’t it? The one form that could have REALLY used a bit of TLC but no. No love for the mutated walrus/rat seal.

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Druid 100%. Once you get past the first 20/25 levels you get to a point where you never really are scared of dying. You just have all the tools to live.

Are you talking about PvE mainly or considering PvP flag toggled as well?

The only answer is paladin.

Edit: actually, I lie, the best answer is paladin if you want to be pvp flagged on hc. An alternative is rogue from level 22.

true ,I’m leveling a feral on anniversary ,and Bear may keep you alive another minute ,but the bear dps is non existent and you will go down eventually.