Best class to level without dying?

From a PvP perspective in HC, I think a paladin will always be one of the easier targets to kill. They have no stealth, no speed, low damage, poor mana, and limited CC options on long cooldowns and no real ranged options. The challenge with PvP especially on HC, is lack of escape, as almost always the other player will have the initiative and will be starting the fight. Few will want to fight fair. This is just a bad position to be as a leveling paladin, which often have lots of resource issues. Perhaps if you were having honorable duals, but even then paladins have never been a top dueling class.

I think rogues, especially with vanish, sprint have the best option since they more easily then any other class can disengage from a fight, especially if they got engineering for targeting dummies. Escape unfortunately is likely the most important part on being flagged as PvP in HC, griefers will be out there.

If not a rogue, I would personally probably go with a priest, they do better damage, and with fear and dot they can kite a lot of people, assuming the aggressor is similar level they might have a chance, unfortunately they would probably be an easy target till 40 and shadow form, and ultimately have similar problems to paladins of being slow, no stealth, and limited escape options also while being resource constrained.

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paladin pvp really only comes online when you unlock reckoning+seal of command.

The only answer here is druid/mage/rogue, if your intention is to solo hardcore pvp.

I don’t play on HC. But do people regularly flag for pvp? Would anyone even engage you?

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No there is almost nobody on HC that will flag, though there are some higher levels that like to grief people, but I can’t say I have ever run into more then a single person thats been flagged intentionally. Thats what creates the big challenge, is if someone does want to PvP you, if your already flagged, they would always have the advantage since they can flag when they are ready.

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Depends on your level a lot, I have leveled a few characters on PvP servers using HC SSF rules.

After you have Improved Blizzaed and frost bite; mage is very strong.

If running away is your game both Mage and Druid are a solid choice.

Warlock works great also if you can pet manage and aren’t unwilling to use consumables.

Hunter is also super strong because if FD being able to drop combat on such an insane short CD.

Rogue is similar to hunter although a lot more delicate, due to low AC and generally rogue kinda sucks south of Tier1 gear. I am fully aware of the CB prep spec that all the NPC’s like to play, tho they only do this because rogue default has jack crap for crit because blizzard was bad at class balance.

Paladin is great once an hour I guess since they can bubble hearth.

Shaman LOL self res is not a thing, hopefully you aren’t OOM when you try to escape with frost shock, and totems, tho I’ll say if you do manage your mana well then shaman is very good, but until you have enough gear to play Ele then you are stuck with Enhance.

Best advice I can give is to stay away from certain common PvP areas because level 60’s will also kill you, so be creative if you desire to go survive the experience while attempting to keep the leveling moving effectively.

This is why PVE server flag rules are trash and always have been, and and why they should have always required the player Flag in a capital city.

If you actually on the HC server, there is no bubble hearth. I suspect you would also be less likely to have to worry about random 60s griefing you, as you would get some respect from many HC players simply by unflagging, but the problem is there are always a few griefers.

I actually like that idea, it fixes a lot of the reason people likely choose not to flag, and seems like something that should be easy to implement.

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Kinda the same on normal PVP servers, generally the high level characters don’t bother you, but occasionally there is some bad you will know is bad from BG’s out griefing low level players since it’s the only thing they can kill.

Well I found it really depends on the zone, when I have leveled up on PvP servers, if your in a high traffic zone, there is always someone that thinks its fun to one shot someone lower.

Hillsbrad is a good example, not sure who thought it would be good to have a questing zone with radically different levels.

Yes, generally in STV, that place is a massive salt mine that I fully avoid when leveling to avoid getting bogged down in a massive war.

Thats another good example, better when the level differences are smaller making the options much more likely to be a fair fight.

Indeed, and there are a great many things done oh so well in Vanilla and a few that are just terrible design.

Funny that all the “changes” made on SoD do not address the real issues on many classes while amplifying the existing issues with the retail skills they added.

SOD started with so much promise in P1, honestly I think if they had just done a classic version with the TBC talents, and added the new races/classes, upgraded all the PvP gear to have resilience, squished the item level on top tier raiding gear so it was weaker, and then added only end game instances, I think it would have been far better, but plenty of people seem to like it.


Vanish, if not, sprint and pray, if not use evasion, if not use blind and walk away, if not then sub rogue, prep and vanish again, if not jump down a hill and take minimum fall damage. Way too many ways to escape to list here.

Lots of things they could have done that would have been a lot more beneficial to the players than what SoD ended up as.

“pronounces harth as herth”.

I would always think it was a trap. Like someone baiting with 3 rogues and a druid hiding near by. And why wouldn’t it be, if you are going to jump someone, that is kind of what you deserve.

Druid can escape if things go bad.

Just the fear of it being a trap would certainly stop a lot of people. Also it would be significantly easier at least on Defias to play Alliance as there aren’t that many horde. I guess if you really want to actually have some PvP you would probably want to join the lesser faction on the server.