Best class to farm old content?

My vote goes to Druid or Demon Hunter. They just move faster than other classes do.

Honorable mention to Monks.

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There’s a food in Shadowlands called Fried Bonefish that increases speed after killing something. Very useful in old raids where you can’t mount.

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Mages are great for just blasting everything with arcane explosion.

Protection Paladins are great for gathering up an entire dungeon w/o breaking a sweat and crushing them all all. Blood DKs too.

Warlocks are great at just slapping dots on mobs and moving on.

I am sure there are other good options but those are the ones I use the most.

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betting its going to depend on the bosses and mechanix

Mage, for Arcane Blast.

Old content sadly isn’t necessarily all about movement speed. If you’re looking only one or maybe even two expansions back from current, you’ll probably need to consider defensives and stuff as well to get through bosses, where movement speed generally isn’t very helpful.

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Someone fast…

because Aeonar!

That’s what I’ve been doing while gathering pets. Every now and then, I charge just to see a boss or rare die instantly.

some fights require a second “body”

ahh yeah… the hard stuff :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


This is the most important part.

Also, druid.

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The pet doesn’t matter, eg; Galakras fight. Bugged for having only 1 player even with pets.

The thread has been answered multiple, multiple times.
We don’t need fake news in addition to that, thanks.

what’s bugged about it?

and how would a bug make any difference to the fact that there are some fights which require a second body?

omg kid- that is a fight which requires a body in the tower and a body on the ground as you erroneously stated pets can facility.
You’re welcome for the education.
Troll on, clownshoes.


you said Galakras was bugged… did you not?
…or are you using specific words, with specific meanings, to explain something random and unrelated?

or are you implying that Galakras is the only fight which could possibly need an extra body?


Druid is best class.

Tank, heals, melee and ranged DPS. plus stealth and flight form.

Druid is best.

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It’s a transmog farm. There are chests that give you blues in the dungeon.

there are keys which open chests

Okay? You need specific professions for most, if not all.

Arcane Mages usually can burst anything faster than any other spec.
And burst damage is usually the one thing you need to skip mechanics that would wipe a solo player.

If you need longevity, get a tankier spec.


i’m not sure if you’re trying to make a point, or just making random statements :crazy_face: