Best class to farm old content?

The point is Outlaw Rogues are still the best because opening chewts otherwise requires profession-locked items, so your contrarianism and condescension were pointless.

if all you do is farm lowbie instances for chests… then a rogue might be more convenient.

however, the question was about raid bosses.

No it wasn’t.

I think there’s maybe 2-3 fights in the entire game now that require a pet to cheese and even those may be gimmicked without

If you’re doing low low low content a pet can be a hindrance as sometimes if just the pet hits something and kills it before you tag it you get no loot

You forget mechagnome…

Dw, I didn’t. Mechagnomes can’t play Druids, so even for them Outlaw Rogue is probably the best. I think

yes, it was.

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There were multiple questions.

OP’s second question said “also.”

You are being contrarian for no reason.

Mix it up. Have fun.

no, i’m sticking to the subject.

BoEs are irrelevant.

This thread is about old content in general. Bye.

Having run old raids a ton for transmog, probably druid. Outdoor ones (AQ20 for example) are for sure druid, indoor DH can also compete, though I still prefer druid.

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the point of farming old content for transmog, is that you’re chasing gear which can only be obtained by looting it.

random lowbie BoEs (which any collector would already have) aren’t really relevant.

it’s abundantly clear that the op wants to farm appearances… not junk to sell.

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Ive been playing druid for a long time honestly, but must say, even if DK is slow, frost DK is just awesome with his toolkit.
Howling blast is like moonfire, except it’s AoE. Also DK has everything to escape. Like immune stun, fear or spell effect. It has 20% more mount speed and can walk on water. Also can port out like druid. It can pull tremendous amount of damage in very short time too.

It depends on the class/spec. Some are better at certain dungeons/raids than others depending on their overall dps and the mechanics that need dealt with. BM hunter has always been good at old content farming though, at least in my experience.


I like to use my hunter for a lot of raid and dungeon farming, and often even dismiss my pets for it. I just like running along, shooting things dead before I even get to them, I quite enjoy it. :smiley:

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For old dungeons/raids your DPS doesnt matter, you can one-shot everything, including bosses. So for farming your run speed is way more important than your DPS.

I am using druid for this, 145% permanent run speed in cat form, Dash for bursts of speed, and spammable AoE. Can also heal if needed (not yourself, your Ysera’s Gift will be able to passively self-heal you faster than the entire dungeon and all bosses put together will be able to damage you) but some mechanics ask you to heal a boss. And Dreamwalk port and backs lets you quickly get to the start of the dungeon instead of having to run back.

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Paladin is very good for soloing content. Plate, self-healing, immunities, etc.

I like taking my mage. We have Blink/Shimmer (possibly with Temporal Velocity) to make our way through the dungeon. Arcane Explosion is great for taking out bunches of trash mobs. Arcane Blast can deal enormous amounts of damage to bosses. The only fights we suffer at are rare fights where arcane damage doesn’t work (Void Reaver in Tempest Keep: The Eye and some of the trash in the grand library in Karazhan).

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