Best class in retail

Whats the best class in retail? (Looking to dps). Also state why please. :slight_smile:

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It’s Balance Druid, but I can’t wait to see everyone else be wrong.


Demon Hunter, because it drives Mortis crazy :stuck_out_tongue:

Jokes aside though, they’re very fun. Vengeance and Havoc are both hands down the most fun specs I’ve ever played in terms of rotation. I mean, they can use warglaives (!), and get access to some really awesome transmog and weapons.


the best class is enhancement shaman


Flattery will get you EVERYWHERE. :heart:

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The one you prefer playing.


Demon Hunter is a freakin’ blast for just smashing stuff.

Very mobile, great dps numbers, an absolute must have toon for any serious dps lover.

/looks around the forum corner, makes sure Mortis isn’t around and slips out the back. :kissing_closed_eyes:

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Ele Sham is a lot of fun. Very fluid, very flexible, has lust. Overall a solid class.


Well, you better check at your local university for retail management classes. It will provides good information on business fundamentals and alot more on the retail sector. I wish you good luck.

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The one you like to play!


This is, by far, the worst possible time to get into the retail game. It’s just after the holidays, they’ve let all their temp help go, and they’re slimming down operations until things pick up later in the year.


man, i used to be the stocker class when i played retail and it was the worst. i had to play at night and it would always give me the tired debuff


I love balance Druid I’ve mained it since the beginning. Nothing else has ever checked all the boxes for me like it.

8.3 tho…

Just play what you think is fun it looks cool.

This isn’t classic where there is a 300% difference from Fury warrior to oomkin.

You misspelled feral.

OP, on a serious note, feral is not in the best spot. It’s just my main and I love it to death and back.

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Best class is one you enjoy playing.

Doesn’t have to be the most topping DPS. Human Paladins are a good example of a class that has many players playing it as DPS even though it’s not ‘top tier’.

I enjoy both specialisations of Demon Hunter and I don’t really care if it gets hit by a nerf bat, etc. Play style is super fun.

It’s the necromancer.

But we can’t play as one.

learn the metas any ranged for raids balance,ele,shadow,lock.

Don’t tell Mortis but I love playing DH on occasion.

I’m a priest/hunter guy though. Always have been.