Best class for classic?

What class has a decent time in the open world and usually always gets an invite to dungeons/raids?

Priest, warlock, mage, and Paladin are my go to answer for this one

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He said has a decent time in the open world.

Paladins most certainly do not have a decent time in the open world. You’re entire rotation is revolved around auto attack, you have no ranged ability to pull and you hit like a wet noodle most of the time. They’re literally the slowest and most boring levelers.

I’d honestly say Priest. Go shadow to level, and you can heal just fine as shadow for groups.


I would agree priest is on top, but Paladins are fine in the open world. You are probably the safest leveler out there. Yeah it’s not lightning fast but you won’t struggle whatsoever

Eh I wouldn’t roll a class just because of its population. Mages excel in all of these things and honestly if I was going to have 2 of any class in my group I’d rather have mages.

Not even for their dps and aoe but for the food/water/cc abilities

I’m thinking it’s either going to be a priest or a mage after hearing this. I won’t be on a pvp server so ganking won’t be a factor.

What’s your preferred role? And do you pvp a lot or no

I prefer dps but don’t mind healing at all. I won’t be pvping much at all (if any).

I have been running warlock so far and I am loving it. The pet to tank for you, high damage for both single target and multi target, tons of dots, crazy survivability and a whole lot of utility.

My other recommendation would be druid because they are just too versatile and can fill just about any roll in the leveling process making them a perfect fit in almost any group.

If you don’t mind healing in a sense where you’ll be asked to basically only heal at end level, unless you find a close guild that will let you be the designated spriest then I would say priest for SURE as you will never have trouble finding a group. I’m obviously a priest now and I’ve been one in vanilla for awhile and people will literally whisper you to help them run through dungeons.

But if you really truly just prefer dps then go mage. You have ports to go to cities whenever (this is huge as vanilla traveling is seriously a chore), free food and water, one of if not the best and easiest levelers, and you have a lot less trouble getting invited to raids as most other dps classes

Thank you for the advice. I’m still on the fence but I’ll keep this in mind when I make my final decision. I feel like I’ll only be able to pick one class because alts aren’t really a thing in classic…

Well maybe I could help a bit more… you’ve clearly played BfA enough to get dark iron… what did you play in the recent version of wow? What have you played in other games? What aspects of classes do you prefer?

Thank you for the advice. I’m still on the fence but I’ll keep this in mind when I make my final decision. I feel like I’ll only be able to pick one class because alts aren’t really a thing in classic…

Your going to have a hard time convincing my 4 alts of that :smiley:

Seriously tho, Alts aren’t any less of a thing in classic then they are in retail, there’s just more support for alt activities in retail. I always had a full character list in vanilla and up. It’s all about what you want to do and try out, that’s about it.

Rogue is another good option. great DPS, great solo ability. Yes, it’s a DPS so it won’t get those treasured tank/healer slots, but now’s a better time then ever to level a DPS. It’s not like groups are going to want more DPS as time goes on and people level out of the starting zones.

I went warrior. I never had any issues leveling a warrior in vanilla/TBC, you just have to plan a bit more. And group slots are easy, much like a healer. I also have a rogue btw, no issues there either.

Alright here is my take and a bit of my history. I started wow at the end of vanilla/start of BC. I played mage and warlock throughout most of BC then priest (near the end of BC/start of wrath) I played mage and warlock because of respec cost and they were actually good in the open world. As time went on I played pretty much ever class in the game. Right now my focus has been on druid, paladin and DH because they all have a tank spec and two have a healing spec. I LOVE hybrids in modern wow but my memory of hybrids in my early wow time to be a bit painful.

I was having the same decision dilemma so I level a mage to level 15, working on a warlock now to level 15 and then going to level a priest to 15. All in al those 15 levels take 4-6 hours of time but gives you a decent sense of the class and how it will play in the open world.

Since classic is a big time investment make sure you and you alone decide the class you want to play. If you pick a mage for instance because everyone says they are great farmers at end game. But let’s say you can’t figure out how to aoe farm without dying then that does you no good.

I loved the mage to 15. Loving the warlock even more right now. Who knows about the priest.

Pallies might be slow levelers, but they are almost unkillable.

I would go with warlock. We are THE best solo pvp class. We are top tier open world leveling with a pet like hunters. Locks are more involved than mages we have more skills and more decisions to make…less chance of boredom.

Mages are very good all around but locks are better solo leveling and solo pvp. Both classes are wanted in raids. I’ve grouped with a lot of random mages on quests in the world, and they have to sit frequently to get mana, and I never do. I have mage and lock mains in retail too.

Those two things are mutually exclusive. Tanks and healers have the best invites, but are slower in the open world. DPS (especially warlocks and hunters) are better in the open world, but have more competition for invites.

Mage. They’re the most complete class in Classic/Vanilla WoW. They’re desired in all content.

My favorite classes to play in classic are warrior and warlock, but thats just personal taste. Mages are also pretty fun.