Best class fit for Darkspear / Voodoo theme

What does everyone think fits the troll voodoo / hexxer / witch doctor / headshrinker archetype the best?

I used to think shaman would be the obvious fit because of wards (totems), Hex, and the old chain heal.

But shaman over time having literally nothing in common with witch doctors anymore as their totems and chain heal were made to be water element focused. Hex is basically all that’s left.

I was thinking maybe petless affliction warlock, shadowpriest, or maybe arcane mage could all fit this type of character. Priest and mage have a dispel type ability, and polymorph and fear are both CCs you can kind of think of being used like “hexing”.

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There are a lot of cultural, national, or race specific classes that don’t really fit into a singular playable class. Most folks focus on an in game class that can appear like what you’re looking for. This fine skeleton had a stint as a Gurubashi Hexxer back in the day, Imm’jar, not to be confused with the Shadowmoon Immgar, and used the Amani Regalia Recolor set from ZA and ZG and worked out great.

A tendency with trolls is they typically devote themselves to a loa as well. They’re usually not just a hexxer, witch doctor, etc, in the abstract. There is no ‘loa undivided.’ Maining an aff lock and RPing a Gurubashi, I went with Hethiss. A snakes bite and its venom can be a long and painful death, similar to how the spec works.

Similarly, you could use a different colored set from the above, or a whole different mog all together, and be a devotee of say Jan’alai, the Dragonhawk, and be a fire mage.

Same with Torcali and do something not ‘magical’ like a warrior. Torcali is known as the moving mountain and wandering bulwark. Great for a prot warrior.

Tharon’ja and a frost mage, or frost DK given they’re a Drakkari Loa.

I connected the race, class, and spec I played into my IC class, but you 100% do not have to and these are just some examples. You just have to RP the part accurately.

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I don’t think anything in game accurately depicts a Witch Doctor, Shadow Hunter, or Hexxer. These classes interact heavily with Loa and spirits of the dead.
I have a thread discussing it as a individual class concept if you want to check it out. Witch Doctor Class