Best cities in the game

Gimme your favorite cities, doesn’t have to be player hubs. For me I love old Lordaeron, Legion Dalaran and Gilneas.

Big fan of Karabor in AU Draenor, but we all know what happened to that crushed dream. :sob:


I’ve always loved Thunder Bluff. Sadly I have no real reason to go there for anything.

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Classic Orgrimmar, best memories of hanging out around the bank as a noob and watching all the “kool” raiders hanging out on top of the roofs. Good times and memories.
Present day Boralus for Alliance, I like the little fishing village hub.


Forever Silvermoon City.


Gilneas, no competition.


I wonder? It was from a site calling for the repair of Silvermoon, so it could be.

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The picture of the “reworked” Silvermoon is gorgeous. Sometimes I revisit old areas and just imagine how gorgeous they’d look in today’s graphics.


Park your bank alt in TB. That’s what I do. I love Mulgore and still think it’s one of the nicest zones in all of WoW. TB is a great place for bank and auction alts to hang out.

I haven’t logged into my bank alt in ages, mainly because I’m in a guild with a few friends and we have a bank. I didn’t know them or have a guild or anything when I made my bank alt. lol Either way it’s less of a hassle to just toss things into the guild bank now.

I miss Old Orgrimmar. I mean, yea the black iron gates and giant tower are cool and all but Old Orgrimmar had charm.


I remember the day Cata’s pre-patch went live. I was so dang lost. Took me what seemed like forever to get used to Org’s new layout. I loved old Org.


Well, I don’t know if people would technically count these as the best cities, but i’m gonna add them in because of their unique designs.

I always liked Stormwind because of the medieval-esque design it has, it really puts out that “beacon of humanity” style when you look at it, especially because of how heavily fortified it looks.

Boralus is my second favorite. Being a history-buff who likes to read about times such as the colonial period, I like how they designed the city to look similar to across between London and Boston, it feels like a city you’d see in Pirates of the Caribbean.

My first character was Forsaken, so my first major city was the Undercity. I always hear people saying that the place is a maze, but for me, I’m so used to the layout of the place that nowadays I have a hard time finding my way around anywhere else. Even now, on the Alliance side, I still sneak into Undercity from time to time and just chill there while I wait for queues. It’s also super duper fun to just Sap people but never attack them, especially if they’re trying to channel a Hearthstone or something.

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I used to get lost in UC back in the day, but it’s really easy to navigate once you know what’s what. I still find myself flying around that outer ring on occasion though, forgetting where to turn left for certain things. lol

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My best memories and always best city will be Stormwind

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Don’t know to be honest either Stormwind or Dalaran.


Stormwind, it is not my favorite looking or sounding but it has everything and I know where it all is there. Also with the updates it’s even more beautiful. I was sad when deathwing rolled through! Left my character in the park and logged back in at the city entrance lol.

For me, I think I’ve learned to get around Undercity the same way you learn to ride a bike. It’s muscle memory at this point lol.

I started the game as a night elf so the first city I saw was darnassus, but the first time I was really impressed with a city is when I first saw ironforge

Silvermoon, Ironforge, Stormwind, Thunderbluff and Dalaran. Silvermoon comes first by a loooooong shot, though.